Chapter 17: My heart hurts because I miss you

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It had been three days since the incident that happened. At school people ask me all about what happened, even though all the teachers plea them not to, because it kind of scared me. I still try to answer them all the best I can.

Some of them were crazy questions, but then there were always those ones that stabbed me in the heart dramatically, remembering it all.

The teachers did recommend me, or more like tried there best, to get me to stay at my home. Even if they said I was safe there, I just couldn't' trust very many people.

I was walking through the halls when someone stopped me. It was expected, as this had happened a LOT lately. "Heartfilia! I have a question for you!"

I only nodded and waited for him to continue. The boy looked to be a third year and seemed a lot like Jellal, but when I have spoken to him in the past, he claims that he is not even related to him. Here we go again with more questions......I have gotten way to used to it for my own comfort.

Taking another one of my nodes as a sense of agreement to listen, he spoke. "I heard a rumor that that Rebel guy, Dragneel, I think his name was, was at the scene of the incident and was involved with the other bad guys! It only makes since, since he is the class's most dangerous and is a delinquent type person, am I correct?!"

What?! No he's not! Natsu's.....He's..... Falling to the ground, I clenched my arms and began to sobe. "N-no..." I tried to get a reply, but this one hit me really harshly, because, of all the rumors, this one had to have Natsu in it. Let alone him being the bad guy, when I knew he wasn't. "He's not like that!"

Realizing I had yelled and got the whole schools attention, I squeezed myself even more. "Natsu's not....not....." Natsu.....where are you when I need you for support.....Natsu!

I continued to cry for a moment, while I heard Levy's voice coming towards me, and a few teachers lecturing the Jallal like third year. "What did you say to her to make her this upset?!" Ms. Mira was really upset herself. But more of an angry way. I could tell.

Levy knelt down next to me and gripped my shoulders firmly. "Come on. I think you need a break from school. I'll stay home with you. It's friday anyways."'ll help.

I mean....I haven't seen Natsu in a long time. He still isn't coming to school. And I am too scared to call or text him. Something tells me, though, that he wouldnt' pick up or respond.

Stoping my thoughts and listening in on the conversation, I could hear the boy saying sorry over and over again, backed up in a corner, where Mira Simpi gave him a lecture.

"Now get to your homeroom! We warned all the students before and now you have a two-thousand word apology easy to do that will be due at the end of the day!" She didn't have to be that harsh to him. I was the one that came to school when I'm in this condition. Watching as the people walked away, I heard Levy give a big 'ohhhh' as she realized why I was crying again.

Getting up, she gave a sympathetic smile. "It's because they spoke about Natsu, isn't it." That's right. It hurts me a lot. I mean....really hurts that people think that way about him and all. Plus other problems too. Even though that was what I thought, all I could do was nod as I got up. "Well, let's get up and go sign out of the school, so we can get a break from this drama." She patted my back as I wiped up my tear stained face.

Sniffling a bit, I began to walk to the front desk. I had a long ways to go before I could be normal again. Who knows. Maybe I'll have to resort to transferring again. It might be hard, but I could go back to my old school, or something. I bet my friends would like to see me again.

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