Chapter 20: Tunder and lightning: Part 2

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The thunder and lightning crashed outside as the rain howled through the late afternoon. I saw Happy skid into his hidey hole I made him not too long ago, because he was scared of the storm. Him being a kitten and all, he just wasn't used to it.

Walking over to him, i pet him. "It's fine. Your are alright."Picking him up, I tried to comfort him, but it was to no avail as he dug his claws into me when the storm sounded again. "Ow!" Quickly, I pushed him back into his hidey hole, so he would stop before i was hurt any worse.

Gees this is a pain. First off, I have to go to school next week, then next thing you know I have to deal with this little furball! I grumbled, walking over to the bathroom to grab a couple big bandages for the newly bleeding scratches on my arm.

Slowly, I peeled the cover of the bandage off and placed it on my wound. Sighing, i repeated the process with the other three medium wounds I had. I threw away the bandages, then looked in the mirror. Huh...Been a while since I have looked at myself in the mirror. I truly look different than what i did before.

I grabbed my scarf I had on and looked at it. The stain was still on the one part of the scarf that it was in before. I grumbled as flashbacks rolled through my mind. Of Lucy, of corse.

Suddenly feeling anger pull over myself from what had happened before because of me, i rammed my hand into the wall repeatedly. Even with the pain searing through my fist, i didn't care.

Slowly calming myself down after about a minute, realizing it wouldn't' do me any good to put a hole in the wall, I barely hit the wall one last time as I slide down it. My expression changed from from anger to irritation and sadness that had grabbed me again. Why does it have to be that way.

Getting up, I felt a tear slip down my face. "All my emotions are doing is making it worse. I have to stop.....but no matter how hard I try, I can't." I dragged my feet across the floor. Happy came out of his hidey hole with a look of concern for a second, but only ran back in when he heard the thunder and lightning go off again.

Well...I thought as I plopped down in one of my only chairs I had that was nearby. Now that I am thinking about Lucy.....didn't she not like the thunderstorms? All well. It's not like she would be home anyways. I checked every day for quite some time, but she was never there. My eyes looked in the direction of the window. I could barely see the outside, because it was covered in rain, making the outside look glossed over and blurry.

No matter how you look at it, though, I can't help but hope that she is okay. Standing up for the third time in only fifteen minutes, I walked to my haymic and layed down on it.

I sighed. Slowly, I felt myself drifting from reality as my eyes grew heavy. All I could do to get away from this distress was fall asleep. And that was exactly what I did even though it was only seven o'clock now.


I woke up to my phone going off on the shelf next to where I slept. Grumbling, I got up, even though I didn't quite want to. Something was grabbing at me, making me want to look at it as if it would be something great. I want to believe that it is good, but like always, it is just most likely someone from the school worrying about me again.

Finally opening my phone, still only a little over half awake, I made out the name of the person texting me. "Gajeel?" I stiffened at the thought that he somehow got ahold of my number.

I opened the text wondering what it was about. 'You know how Lucy is afraid of thunder and lightning, right?'

My brow furrowed in confusion of how this was the subject of the text, but also interested in this. So, I texted him back. 'Yeah. What about it?'

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