Chapter 5

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Kongpob: 16-17 Arthit: 8

3rd Person's POV

"P'Prem, can you help me?" Prem, Kongpob, and Aim were currently in the former's room as they were busy planning on their upcoming project that was arranged by Mr. Rojnapat specifically. The three of them looked up to the entrance of Prem's room when they heard a knock followed by a boy's question that disrupted their discussion.

"Yes, what do you need?"

"P'Prem, I don't know how to do this question." Arthit hopped on Prem's bed and handed his brother his book that was supposed to be his homework for the day.

"Let me take a look at it." Arthit pointed at one of the questions he's been struggling to solve for almost half an hour but decided to ask for help from his brother. Arthit was looking around his brother's room for a moment before he remembered to greet the two other older boys.

"Hey Kong, isn't tomorrow your 17th-" With their discussion being disrupted, Aim suddenly thought of Kongpob's upcoming birthday and decided to bring it up.

"Yes and please don't do anything." Kongpob cut off Aim's question the moment he knew that his friend was going to talk about his birthday. Aim was still new around him, unlike Prem who he'd befriended almost 10 years ago. He didn't know that Kongpob never celebrate his birthday or he would like to call the day he was abandoned at an orphanage. There's nothing worth celebrating that day, all it reminded him of was that he was and still is an unwanted child.

Hearing him, Aim was a little confused at first but decided to drop the subject when he saw Prem looking at him, shaking his head covertly before looking back at Arthit's homework. Their conversation caught the youngest's attention as he looked at Kongpob curiously. The older could obviously feel the younger's gaze on him but decided not to heed it. He continued fiddling with the lighter in his hand only to be kicked by Prem in his shin as he quickly pocketed the lighter back into his pocket.

"P'Kongpob." Arthit called out, his hand propped on his head as he lay on the bed on his stomach.

"Hmm?" Kongpob eventually raised his head and looked at the younger.

"Do you like coffee?"

"Yeah, dark coffee especially. Why do you ask?" Kongpob was getting a little confused by Arthit's question.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just that I always saw you drinking coffee. Dad would never let me try coffee, he said it's bad for kids."

"It kinda is, so you better not try it, not when you're only 8, okay?"

"Then... can I try when I start going to high school? I won't be a kid anymore." Arthit pleaded, his eyes beaming as he glanced at Kongpob.

But Prem decided to butt in their conversation, "No can do, kid. You can only drink it after you're at least 18."

"But why?" Arthit got up and was now glaring at his brother after hearing his words.

"Because I've read an article saying coffee will damage your brain cell."


"Yes. so no coffee until you're 18." Prem said, handing Arthit back his book and started explaining the steps to the questions on his homework. The younger left after a while, making sure he'd fully understand the solutions, and proceeded back to his room to continue with his study. It was then that Aim had patted Prem's shoulder.

"Why did you lied to him?" Kongpob too looked at Prem, confused by the latter's action.

"He's already running around, totally hyperactive. If he had coffee, I can imagine that he would start screaming in the house. So, nope." The other two found his answer amusing and chuckled, shaking their heads.

"Let's just continue our discussion, okay?" Prem rolled his eyes and their discussion continued for an hour before Aim left back to his house. Prem insisted that Kongpob stayed the night and Kongpob had no choice but to comply when Mr. Rojnapat too joins in persuading him to stay over after they'd had dinner.

It was around 11 pm when Kongpob decided to settle for the night. He was laying on the bed of the guest room, tossing and turning. He couldn't fathom why he felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart as he sat up on the bed, back against the headboard as he grunted frustratedly.

Maybe he knew why he was that unsettled.

Just because tomorrow is his damn 'birthday'.

'There's nothing to think about tomorrow, Kongpob. Just go back to sleep." He groaned and laid back down. He tried to close his eyes only to open them and stare into the darkness.

'Mommy really loves you, Kongpob.' He could hear her voice ringing.

'Mommy didn't want to do this. But I've no choice.'

'I'm really sorry, Kongpob.' Her voice was echoing as she called out for Kongpob's name and Kongpob instantly covered his ears, trying to block off whatever he was hearing at the moment. His breath became shallow and quick when he could hear her constantly calling his name. Tears started brimming as he squirmed in his bed, feeling suffocated.


And that was then he heard a different voice along with a knock.

"P'Kongpob? Are you asleep yet?" That voice snapped him back into reality as he got out of bed with his breath still shaky and opened the door. His eyes met with the younger's as the latter smiled cheekily at him.

"Why are you still up?" Kongpob tried to sound calm when he speak, his fist clenching as he tried to contain his emotions from before.

"I... I couldn't sleep."

"Why so?" Kongpob raised an eyebrow as he knew the younger was lying from his reddened ears.

"I... don't know." Arthit replied softly, looking down at his feet, "Can I sleep in your room?"

"Nope, go find Prem or your other brothers, okay?" Kongpob was so ready to slam the door shut when the younger stopped him, pushing at the door.

"Please, P'Kongpob. I accidentally drank coffee just now and if P'Prem knew I'm doomed."

"You drank coffee?" Kongpob's question made the younger blush even more but he still nodded. So, Kongpob decided not to unmask his lies.

"And what does that do with you wanting to sleep in my room?"

"My nightlight spoiled just now and I'm scared." Hearing another of his lie, Kongpob could only sigh and moved aside to let the younger in. Arthit with his blanket dragging on the floor, carefully entered the room.

"You better get up yourself tomorrow for school. I'm not gonna wake you up." Kongpob said when the both of them lay on the bed and he heard Arthit humming as a reply. It was around midnight when Kongpob finally felt sleepy and had almost dozed off when he heard Arthit's voice.

"I heard your voice just now, P'Kong. You sound like you're in pain." Kongpob's eyes are still closed as he felt Arthit turning to face him, "So, I think you need company. Maybe you're afraid of the dark, like me."

The younger stopped speaking for a moment and Kongpob heard a loud yawn, "Good night, P'Kongpob. Sweet dreams... and... happy bi...birth..."

His sentence was never finished as Arthit fell into a deep slumber, leaving Kongpob feeling more awake than he was previously.

"Happy... Happy birthday to me."

Kongpob said, finally opening his eyes.

Hey guys, I was supposed to update this chapter earlier but here it is anyway. Also, just a heads up, I'd just started school again so I might not be able to update for at least a few months again until my break. I'll try to update when I find the time. That's all from me, bye❤️

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