Chapter 21

470 56 11

Kongpob: 20 Arthit: 12

3rd Person's POV
"I want to be an alpha!" The usually sweet and adorable voice was now filled with fury and agitation. Tears were flowing down his cheeks as he slammed the door shut loudly and his feet quickened their pace running down the stairs and out of his home.

"Arthit!" Mr. Rojnapat tried to stop his child from running off but was faced with the door that was closed harshly by the younger. He heaved defeatedly and sat on his office chair.

He knew this day would come.

Mr. Rojnapat had always tried to make Arthit understand what was meant by him being an omega but the younger was still too young to understand until today. The boy came rushing to his office, asking what his classmates meant that being an omega like him implied that he would be able to bear a child and be in heat. Most importantly, the children around him said that his mother despised his identity as an omega just because omegas are usually seen as the weak ones in the pack, needing to submit to an alpha, which to Mr. Rojnapat was just a bunch of bullshits.

"I don't want to be an omega!" The boy said in fear, his eyes reddened as he stared at his father in disbelief, "Mommy will stay if I'm not an omega."

"Honey-" Mr. Rojnapat's words halted as tried to think of a way to console his child that was now glaring at him.

How could he tell him that his mother didn't leave him because he is an omega?

How could he even tell him that his mother had already left him?

All the while, Mr. Rojnapat was pretending that his ex-wife is still around his youngest, showering him with gifts and even to the extent to prepare a new phone number, just to pretend that Arthit's mother is always around, texting with him. He knows the truth will unfold one day, but he couldn't bear to see his child in tears again like when he was on his 9th birthday, asking for his mother. So, he build a beautiful fantasy for his child to live in and he wasn't ready to tell Arthit the truth behind that sunshine and rainbows yet.

"Mr. Teddy!" Arthit yelled as he found his usual driver standing by the entrance of the house. The man, Mr. Theo was surprised to see the young master in tears and sweat.

Mr. Theo had been the Rojnapats' driver since Arthit was born and Arthit was really fond of the man. Mr. Theodore or he usually goes by Theo was called by Arthit as his 'Mr. Teddy' just because when he was young, he couldn't pronounce Theodore but the man loved the nickname anyways. They'd formed a really closed-knitted bond and with just one look, he knew Arthit was feeling really distressed.

"What's wrong, Arthit?" He crouched and the boy shook his head as he climbed into the car and told Mr. Theo to drive off. The older man could only comply after texting Mr. Rojnapat that he would be taking good care of the younger until he is calmer.

"Arthit, do you want to talk?" The driver asked as he drove out of the residence. He saw the younger wipe his tears and hiccupping, but he seemed to be in a better state.

"Can I go to P'Kong's place?" Arthit whispered and Mr. Theo nodded his head, driving the both of them to Kongpob's apartment. Arthit had frequented Kongpob's apartment ever since Prem left for his studies but he wasn't able to visit since a month ago since Kongpob said he was busy with his assignments and he might not be at home when Arthit visits.

"P'Kong." Arthit knocked on the door softly and for an odd reason, he felt a little hesitant to talk to Kongpob at the moment even though he was the one that wanted to come over. Arthit waited for a minute but the door wasn't answered.

"P'Kong?" He called out again, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Maybe Kongpob is busy on campus, Arthit." Mr. Theo tried to reason out with the younger as the latter nodded his head.

The two of them left after Arthit stood by the door for a full 15 minutes. Mr. Theo tried to cheer him up and brought him to an ice cream place but even so, the younger still looked very down and deep in his own thoughts all the while.


"Kongpob." The man picked up his phone that had been ringing for almost half an hour as he grunted roughly, sitting up on his bed.

"Prem?" He rubbed his face harshly, trying to chase off his sleepiness.

"Where are you, Kong? Are you in your apartment?" Prem's voice seemed to be a little panicked.

"Yes, I'm in my apartment. What's wrong?" He picked up a few books that were scattered on his bed and his eyes laid on KhaoFang that was laying on the other side of the bed. She seems to be really tired too. She'd stayed up all night to help Kongpob with his school work and Kongpob couldn't be more grateful to her. It's been almost a year since the two of them dated and Kongpob felt really in love with her although she acted a little weird sometimes. It seems like she has a few secrets hiding...

But who is Kongpob to judge anyways, since he does have secrets hidden from his best friend and girlfriend as well?

"Mr. Theo said Arthit came by this morning and you didn't answer the door."

"But I was in my apartment the whole day. I might've been asleep when he came over." Prem sighed when he heard Kongpob's answer.

"Can you go to Arthit today when you're free? He's been in his room for a whole day and it seems like this time, something crucial happened. My dad wasn't willing to tell me what happened. He's afraid that I would be worried about Arthit and flew back home this instance but hiding it from me makes me want to come back home even more. Can you help me look at my brother for a while? I'll be back tomorrow at noon."

"I'll go to the Rojnapat's residence around dinner time."

"Keep me updated then."

"Sure thing." Kongpob hangs up the call before he falls back to his bed. KhaoFang was now wide awake looking at him and he leaned to her, kissing her on her lips.

"Hey." She whispered and Kongpob smiled, "Something wrong?"

"I'm sorry, I might need to cancel our date tonight. Something happened and Prem wants me to look after his brother until he's back tomorrow."

"It's okay." KhaoFang laid her head on Kongpob's chest as she interlaced their fingers, "I understand."

"I'll send you off to the airport tomorrow and we can have dinner together before that, okay?" KhaoFang nodded and they basked in each other's warmth for a little while more before Kongpob went to the Rojnapat's.

Finally done with my finals and on my semester break. Will be updating tomorrow since I know this wouldn't be a good Christmas eve surprise with KhaoFang and Kongpob's scene together. Stay tuned❤️

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