Chapter 10

674 73 18

Kongpob: 17 Arthit: 9

Kongpob's POV
"P', please. I really need your help." I sighed when I heard Arthit almost begging with his puppy eyes and pouty lips.

"No, Arthit. You should just tell Mr. Rojnapat and he'll help you with that." I denied it again for the umpteenth time since he'd brought up that issue with me.

"But, P', I don't want to tell dad and burden him more. He's so busy lately and I don't want to cause more trouble for him." I rolled my eyes when I heard him.

'As if your dad didn't already know.'

"Why didn't you want Mr. Rojnapat to attend the parent-teacher meeting? He's the one that's usually there and the teachers knew who your brothers are. They would be suspicious and contact Mr. Rojnapat if they saw me there as your supposed brother." I asked and the kid became awfully quiet as he stared down at his feet.

"I got into trouble today." He said, almost in a whisper.

"What did you do this time?" The youngest member of the Rojnapats could be a handful sometimes. I'd seen it quite frequently. Sure, this kid had what it takes to score good grades and have talent in almost everything he does but he could be too playful and even troublesome sometimes.

"I punched a kid during recess time." He replied and looked at me with a little fear in his eyes. The Rojnapats were kinda amazed that this kid is actually afraid of me and would obey what I say mostly, just because I'm strict enough to punish him and not spoil him to the core like others in the family.

"Why did you punch him?" I was a little stunned hearing that and looked at him with wide eyes. Even though Arthit could be a little too mischievous at times, he does not resort to violence if things didn't go as he wishes.

When Arthit heard my question, his eyes fumed with anger as he said, "That boy insulted my friend from our basketball team. He said that she shouldn't be on the team for our mixed basketball team and should be playing dolls instead. I hate him so much! How could he say that?!"

"There, there, calm down, kid. Although that boy you punched did something wrong, you still shouldn't choose violence to solve any problems, okay?" I patted his hair and he was still huffing angrily.

'Says the person who always resorts to violence to resolve any issues.' I almost scoffed at myself.

"But, he's just so mean, P'!" Arthit continued and I placed a glass of iced cold water, wanting him to take a sip and cool down.

"I'll go with you tomorrow, okay? We'll settle all of this with the teacher and the boy's parents as well." Arthit nodded as he drank the glass of water. When he was finally coaxed, I went to Mr. Rojnapat's office along with Prem.

"Mr. Rojnapat, Arthit wanted me to attend the parent-teacher meeting for his class." I said the moment I sat down in front of the older man and he lifted his gaze from his documents.

"I know. My men had already told me what happened today and I believe you'll be able to handle it well. But come to me if anything gets out of hand."


"You should be responsible for my child's injury! He was beyond traumatized just because of what that rascal did!" I tried to resist myself from rolling my eyes as the woman in front of me shrieked. I looked at the boy that Arthit said he'd 'punched' and found no bruises on his face or even a scratch.

'Seriously, this kid should've been taken to karate classes. He needs to work on those muscles if he called what he did as a punch.'

"Ma'am, first of all, there isn't even a cut or bruise on your child and secondly, from what we've seen on the footage, your child is at wrong before Arthit decided to do anything." The Dean said as he rubbed on his temple. The Dean knew who Arthit's father is but most of the staff and students didn't. So, the Dean knew that it was best not to get on the Rojnapats' nerves.

"But he punched my child!" The woman yelled and I was so close to punching her myself. But I managed to recollect myself and face this crazy bitch.

"I'm sorry, ma'am that I punched James. But he insulted Namtarn first. He made her cry. Boys shouldn't make girls cry." Arthit butted in irritatedly when the woman continued with her screams. Her son was awkwardly standing by her side, his head bowing low. It was obvious that the child had already learned his lesson and knew that he was at fault but his mother didn't want to let the matter slide.

"How dare you, a mere omega, butted into our conversation?! You should be ashamed for landing your hands on an alpha! You're a disgrace to your family for not knowing where you should stand!" The woman hissed and I saw Arthit clenching his knuckles. My blood was boiling when I heard her humiliating words.

'This shit didn't know what's coming.'

"Mom, please. I was the wrong one." That James boy grabbed his mother's sleeves and said in a pleading voice. He was already trembling when he felt my glare on both his mother and him.

"Ma'am, I would suggest that you drop this issue right now. There would be no good to both parties if you're still latching on to this problem when your son had decided to apologize to the girl and Arthit, and Arthit would also apologize for punching your son." The Dean, pushed his glasses, as he said to the woman while carefully eyeing Arthit and me.

"You will be listening from my lawyers." The woman said and left, fuming in anger.

Her son hesitated for a moment as he said, "I'm sorry." Arthit accepted the apology and waved his hand as the latter rushed out of the office to run to his mother's side.

"I'm really sorry for what'd happened, Mr. Suthiluck. I'll give a thorough explanation to Mr. Rojnapat myself." The Dean apologize profusely, wiping the sweat beading on his forehead. I nodded and we left the office. When we were finally out of the building and he was skipping and walking ahead of me.

"P', do you think that dad will know that I hit my teammate?" He stopped on his track suddenly and asked.

"I don't think so. I didn't tell Mr. Rojnapat so why would he know?"

"Because the Dean mentioned dad just now." Arthit said, fidgeting nervously.

"Did he?" I pretended that I didn't just hear that from the Dean to try and console him.

"The Dean said he'll tell Mr. Rojnapat, my dad."

"Then, your father will know that he raised a superhero." I said and saw his eyes glimmer.


"Yes. But remember kid, superheroes don't use their fists, they use words instead." I told him and he nodded his head before giggling as he tugged on my wrist and pulled me to my bike.

Just a reminder that this story is in an ABO universe, just that Arthit is still really young to have anything happen to him at the moment.

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