Chapter One

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The vibrations bouncing off the concrete walls, indicating screams. I sit on the metal framed bed, numb. Screams are what I felt every day. The cracked clock on the wall hung from across the room on a concrete wall, in front of me indicates soon I'll have to be dressed and in front of that heavy metal door.

I looked at the pile of clothes on the other side of the room. I walk and pick up the thick leather jacket with the Hydra symbol on the back. The shirt I wore was a white tank top, which acted as an undershirt, black jeans, and black military combat boots.

I walked over to the door but stopped at the half-shattered mirror on the wall. My waist is thin from the lack of food I was allowed. My face has a scar starting above my right eyebrow, following across my eye and over my lips, finally ending at the left side of my chin. My dull blue eyes give a numb gaze to the mirror. My honey-blond hair is tied up in a messy ponytail.

I stood in front of the metal door, waiting for it to open. After a couple of seconds, it opened, revealing Agent Rumlow. I bow my head. He pushes my head back up, gently with his finger under my chin. He held my hand guiding me to a secluded room, with no bars, no windows, and a windowless door. 

He led me into another room which had a woman in a metal chair. Her limbs were bound to the chair. The woman struggled against her bounds, fresh cuts on her face lingered with pain. The wounds lay open as fresh red blood ran down her pale face. Fear was evident in her eyes and body. Her body shook from the pain of other wounds that were scattered throughout her body. Her clothes were torn by a knife, she sat with her bra showing. Tears were filling her eyes as they ran down her cheeks, her eyes were red and puffy, and her hair was knotted, she must have been here for a while. I could see her plead, her face red with anger and fear. 

Rumlow's hand leaves mine as he walks to the other side of the room.

"W-I-D-O-W," he fingerspelled, before pointing to the woman.

A soldier in the room looked to me before he handed me a 10mm pistol. Without thinking I aimed the gun to the woman's head. I turned off the safety on the gun, my finger was on the trigger, ready to be pulled at any moment. After a second of me making sure that I had a proper grip, I pulled the trigger. Her body fell limp, her head fell forward as the only thing that was keeping her body from falling was her bounds of the chair...

I'm dragged out of the room by two soldiers. Just when we reach my cell door, red lights flash. The soldiers let go of me as they went to the armory. I did the same. They opened the door, and I followed in. I grabbed a knife, and ammo for my gun that I still had.

I led the soldiers out of the bunker. I get my gun ready. A soldier handed me a military grade gun. I put my handheld gun in my waistband.

Looking up in the sky, I saw a fast-moving object in the sky. Was it shaped like a person? I connect the dots, Ironman.

The ground shook, I looked around to catch the source. I spot blue flashes of lightning, which is striking the ground, Thor.

I ran out to the battlefield. Black Widow stood in front of me. I threw the first punch, which she then dodged. She tried to kick me in the leg. The kick landed on my left leg. I fell on my back. She had the advantage, but I took it back as I used all my body strength to push her on her back. She struggled against me, I hit her hard in the head, using my other gun.

She didn't seem to be going down that easy. She bumped her forehead with mine. I fell back, trying to get away, but she stopped me. She threw more punches at me; I dodged most, but one hit me in my gut. I bend over in pain. I saw her say something in her earpiece. I knew I needed to move fast.

I slipped behind her, knocking her unconscious. I picked up my gun from the ground. I moved, looking for the other Avengers.

My heartbeat steadied, as I sensed someone behind me. I tried to punch them, but my fist was caught. I looked to see Thor, The God of Thunder. He smiled at me. His hammer rose in the air, readied for attack. I saw his cape beside his foot, so I kicked him where it hurts the most. When he bent over his cape didn't move, tripping him, which made him fall to the ground, landing on his back.

I turned to leave the site, but I'm stopped short after by his brother. I sent him a glare; he did the same. My eyes remained in contact with his dull green eyes.  I realized quickly that he was starting to play mind games. I held strong, but all I could hear was distant whispers (which was weird to hear since I had never heard a human voice for years). I acted as if they didn't exist, but they started getting louder, causing me to drop to my knees. I felt overwhelmed by the voices, covering my ears, I had hoped the voices would stop. My hope didn't last as the voices did not halt.

I looked up to see the intimidating god in front of me, closer than before. I threw a weak punch to his leg, but my hand went through his figure. I felt a hand on the back of my head before it all went black. 

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