Chapter Nineteen

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I put my hand to my head, that had a splitting headache. As I kept my eyes closed, I felt the concreate floor below me. I slowly pulled myself to a sitting position. I looked around the room. On the wall beside me was the Hydra symbol. I started frantically searching the room for anything that could help me. I began to panic inside, how was I going to get out of this? 

The heavy air started to get to me, or was it my panic? 

The room didn't look like the one I had originally. It was darker, I could feel the pain of the victims that sat in this very cell. I began to shiver, goosebumps craws up my arm. I finally got the courage to stand up. I looked behind me, a Hydra suit greeted me. I shook my head in disbelief. 

I can't do this again. 

Barton, James, Loki, Wanda, Natasha, the Avengers, I wanted to be with them. I would have been waking up from my bed, to make eye contact with James. I wanted to go back, to be with 

I felt vibrations coming from behind the heavy steel door. The door opens. In that moment my heart sank to the ground. Soldiers along with, Rumlow entered the cell. Rumlow advanced to me, I took steps back, trying to get away from my abuser. Flashbacks clouded my head, years of memories came back to me, the same memories that haunted me. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't back away any further as my back made contact with the concreate wall. I could see a smirk forming on Rumlow's face. My stomach took a turn. He reached a hand to my chin, lifting my head to look at his face. His eyes darkened, I turned my head to the side, not wanting to face him, but he forcefully pushed my head to him. 

In that moment I wanted to take my hands and wrap them around his neck. I had a disadvantage at that since I was pinned. He took a couple of steps back. I charged towards him; I slid on the floor. I saved it by aiming my legs just right as I knock his feet from under him. I thought I had won, until he got off the floor, he grabbed my neck with one hand. I gasped for air. He dropped me gently on my feet. 

"Weak," he signed, practically snarling, narrowing his eyes. He left the room, the soldiers followed Rumlow out, one slammed the door behind them. 

I pushed myself against the wall, sliding down the wall. I pulled my knees to my face; I held in my tears. Never show weakness at Hydra. After all an assassin doesn't cry. 

I tried to think of a plan to escape. I soon realized that was impossible as the only reason I was able to get out was because of the Avengers. I doubt they would even come for me. Why would they risk their life for me? James may already be minding his own life. Barton may be fighting for me; Stark may just be drinking away his worries. Loki is probably worrying about the fact that he failed, but would that give anyone enough reason to come after me? If they were smart, they wouldn't even come after Hydra, they would stay to themselves. 

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being dragged down a hallway. I felt a burning sensation on my back, why did it burn so bad? 

I struggled against the soldiers that held onto my arms. That didn't stop them. I had gotten a glance of a door opening. They pulled me into a chair, they locked my wrist down in what seemed to be metal cuffs. My legs were tied down on the legs of the chair. I had fear running through my body. The fear took over as I tried desperately to free myself from the restraints. The fear was soon replaced my anger, red hot anger. My blood started to boil. My faced heated up, my fist clenched, turning my hand white. 

The soldiers had knives against my neck. Rumlow was behind them, his hands were on their shoulders. I couldn't keep my calm, I was angry and scared, to death. I promised to myself if I die young, I will come back for my revenge. No matter what will happen. I never thought about an afterlife, is there even one? 

I had to stop thinking about that. I had to let everything go, this is where I die. At least that's what I thought until Rumlow forcefully pushed the soldiers aside. He came up to me. He took a knife from the one soldier. He traced my scar on my face. 

"Let's make that scar more beautiful, shall we?" he grinned.

The knife dug deeper, I hissed. I felt a hot liquid fall down my face. Tears started to build behind the wall, I would not let them fall no matter what he'll do to me. I looked into his hated eyes. He grinned wider, looking at me as a lion would look at its prey. After he cut my scar opened enough, he yanked my head back by my hair. He could kill me, he had my neck in sight, he had the knife in his hand, why hasn't he killed me? What could he possibly want? 

Then I see someone else enter the room. I knew at that moment what they wanted to do to me. Zemo looked at me with the same darkened eyes as Rumlow did. Zemo smiled, walking towards me. I struggled even more. I see him reach behind his back; he pulled out the Winter Soldier Project book. I thought that was destroyed. Zemo's jacket swayed as he walked closer. 

He walked just to look like he was stalking me. I felt the chair lay back. I felt a needle making contact with my arm, a burning cold substance caused a burning sensation under my skin. I knew I was screaming, I didn't know how loud, but I knew I was screaming. My vision blurred as the pain came in waves. I wanted to surrender, but I knew I couldn't. I needed someone to tell me I could give up, that it would be okay, that it wouldn't be my fault, but I didn't, I needed to remain strong, for now. 

If the burning sensation wasn't enough, I felt cuts going from my ankles to my thighs. I wanted it to stop, all of it. I wiggled, I shouted, I panted, I just wanted to be over. I faced the fact that no one was going to make the pain stop, no one. I was on my own for the first time in a while. Tears were now falling down my face, I couldn't hold them back any longer. My eyes were deceiving me, they started to droop as the burning was slowing down. Rumlow stood in my peripheral vision, smirking down to me. The more I fought to keep awake the more my head pounded. I soon surrendered to the darkness, but not before I felt the same soft touch I felt back at the compound.  

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