Chapter Twenty

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Three days—three days I had been here for. Back in this he!l hole. I can't take it. Rumlow constantly comes to torcher me for information about the Avengers. My cut that he gave me wasn't healed yet, he kept going with the torture. I forgot there were no stitches in Hydra, no medic, no one to care about me. 

What scared me the most was that I almost broke. I almost broke, I put my family at risk. I was tired of everything, the torture, the interrogations. I wanted it to stop, no more hands on me, no more doctors... 

I had seen Rumlow every day, same as Zemo, but today was different. Today there was no Zemo or Rumlow, just some soldiers walking the halls, checking each cell. Maybe this was a test, to see if I could crack under this pressure. I have to stay strong; my family was at risk. I couldn't risk their lives, for my safety. 

I tried to take my mind off of the situation. Of course, my brain decided to go back to the times they tried to use a serum on me. It wasn't working, I could tell by the faces that the doctors were looking at me, but last time, it was different, Rumlow was smirking, along with Zemo. The smirking made my stomach drop. The way they looked to me as though I was their prey. I was dragged back to this very cell. 

One emotion came to me—anger. I was consumed by anger, I wanted to break out. I swore to myself that I'm not weak, that I would get out. So, that's what I'm going to do, no matter the price. I need to go back; I need my family. 

I waited for the soldier to come to my cell. I didn't care if Rumlow was here or Zemo for that matter, this was it, the time I stand on my own two feet. I would not back down, not this time. 

I waited, and waited, and waited, until finally, someone opened the door. I sat patiently waiting for the soldier to put the tray of soggy food on the ground. Once the tray was on the floor by the door, I lunged for the soldier. Hydra doesn't bother to give them a gun when serving the prisoners. 

He was taken back by my action. I pushed him against the wall. He smirked. I looked at his hands, he was trying to punch me, I don't think so. I grabbed his fist. His eyes widen. No wit was my turn to give him the smirk. I kicked my leg, causing me to kneel. He didn't realize his mistake. I punched him in the abdomen with great force. He stumbled back, even clutching his stomach. I took his head and banged it against the wall behind him.

I took his key card and unlocked the cell door. I peak around the corners of the halls for oncoming soldiers. I saw two coming around the same corner as I was in. I pushed myself more against the wall, trying to blend into the shadow. One caught a glimpse of me, he turned, as did the other soldier. This was going to be trouble. 

The first one tried to draw his gun. I kicked it out of his hand. The other tried to draw her gun. I pushed the man agent against the female soldier. She stumbled back as did the man soldier. I caught a glimpse of her eyes. Full of hatred, those same eyes that greeted me when I first got here. 

I lunged at the gun. I took it from the ground aiming it at the woman. The man soldier seemed to be caught off guard. 

'Was I really going to this? '

I pulled the trigger, her body falling limp against the wall behind her. 


The man soldier looked in fear, terror filled his face. I was the predator, and he was my prey. I finally had control in here. I could finally make my own choice. I didn't hesitate to aim the gun at his head. He was shaking his head. He reminded me of a little boy and his —mother, which died by my hands. 

I couldn't pull the trigger, I couldn't. I let him go, he ran the opposite direction from me. I kept the gun aimed in front of me, not letting my guard down. The halls were mysteriously empty. That was the case until I saw flashing red lights. Then it became chaotic, soldiers running down the halls. I found an empty room to hide in, in the meantime. I watched out of the window that was the size of my hand. 

Then, I realized the pattern of the lights, this wasn't because I was escaping—no this was for an intruder or an attack. I had to get away, I had to fight. I swung the door open, gun aimed in front of me. 

I fire at the soldiers that was advancing to me. The soldiers had AK-47s for weapons, a bullet proof vest, but no head gear. For the most part my aim was acuate. I kept moving down the hall, keeping my pace. I finally found the stairs to the back exit of the base. 

I opened the door to see the chaos before me. Hydra soldiers surrounded the area, waiting for the intruders. They all had their guns aimed and ready. That had not noticed me yet, I was thankful as I put myself with the wolves. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw flashes of green and lightning. I turned my head; I see Thor ambushing soldiers that were using the tanks that were near as a watch "tower." Loki teleports around taking out one to two guards per teleport. To my left I could see flashes of gun fire, I then see James coming out from a group of Hydra agents. 

It wasn't long before the other Agents saw me. They ran towards me. I was soon in the middle of a hoard of soldiers. I fired at them; they each fell one-by-one covering the vivid green grass with a deep red, that was thicker than water. I didn't feel pity for them, not in that moment. I couldn't feel a thing for Hydra. 

After most of the agents were defeated, I saw James running towards me. 

Once he was close enough, I signed, "Took you long enough," I smiled, relived that they had come for me.  

"Sorry, Doll," he apologized. 

I went to give him a hug, until I felt a pull on my mind. I shut my eyes; someone's voice was echoing in my head. A deep, accented voice, a Russian. I don't know how, but I ended up on my knees. I grabbed my head, the voices repeating the same phrases. 




New Life- 

The Pheonix-

I felt a hand rubbing soothing circles on my back. I felt a hand on the back of my head, I recognized that grasped. I fought hard and well, I vowed to myself I would not let them tear me down, I am Pheonix. 

But I was made to kill, I was made to be reborn, I was made to rise from the ashes, to rebuild myself. 

'Fight it," I heard Loki's accented voice command me from inside my head. 

'I can't,' I whimpered. 

'You can, and you will,' I didn't have a choice in the matter, I had to do this. 

My mind started to feel clear, James helped me off the cold grass. He led me to the Quinjet, while holding onto my arm. Once in the jet, James and Barton helped me sit in one of the chairs. Banner examined me for injuries, which he found quickly, as he noticed the cuts on my legs and thighs, not only those but he noticed my scar. 

He gave me my most hated look, pity. Then he saw my arm where Hydra had the IV in me. I didn't realize until now that blue thick goo was dripping out of the needle size hole. He looked in my eyes with a horrified look. 

"What?" I asked, signing frantically. He didn't say anything, as he quickly told something to Stark and the Quinjet started to take off. I wanted the answer, but I didn't get the answer, maybe I didn't want to know, maybe I just want it to between them two. That didn't happen once I saw Banner. He called Barton over to us. When Barton reached us, Banner started talking. 

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