Chapter Twenty-Three (My heart)

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New Life,

The Pheonix,

The words that Rumlow implanted in my head repeated at least twice in my brain. I was sitting crisscross on the hospital bed, in front of Loki, he rested his hands on each side of my head. Our eyes were closed. Doing the healing process, taking out the words was exhausting to say the least. My head became heavy. I could feel it plummeting to the ground, but a tug in my head, almost like a cord pulling sensation kept me somewhat aware of the situation. 

I didn't know if it was working, but once I felt less weight on my mind, I knew something was different. That different feeling was soon replaced by agony. As Loki moved throughout my mind, he kept apologizing for the agonizing pain I had felt. I wanted it to stop, but I knew this is what needed to be done. My body couldn't take any more of the pain, my brain was telling me to scream, or cry. 

When I felt that I couldn't take it much longer, Loki ended the connection, taking his hands off my head. My body fell back automatically. My mind just wanted to sleep. Loki was there, leaning me back softly against the pillows. He was concerned about me, I kept trying to reassure him, but he didn't listen to anything I had signed, or telepathically. The simplest tasks were hard to carry out, my eyes were fighting to stay open, my head refused to fight against the pillows under me, my body felt greatly heavy. 

Before my eyes fully closed, I saw Banner enter the room, coming near my head, near the bandage where Rumlow left the scar. My eyes closed on their own accord. 


I was startled awake by vibrations in the room, along with a presence. I scanned the room frantically, as I sat straight up. There were no threats, until I turned my head to a corner of the room. A smirking face faced me. The same smirk that haunted my dreams, the same smirk that tortured me, along with Zemo. He held that smirk, walking towards me, then I looked to the door, Loki. Loki followed behind Rumlow, with a malicious grin on his face, his battle suit faded on him. I gulp, scared of what these men will do to me. 

When I thought occurred to me, I froze for a second. I thought I would have someone to save me, to rescue me, that's when James entered the room. He followed the pair of villains. His knife was already out and ready to make the first move. He wore his original Winter Soldier suit. His mask is what made me hold my breath. His eyes glared at me, I wanted to hide, but where would I hide? there were only beds in the room.

Once Loki and Rumlow gotten close enough not to harm me they let James go in front of them. I wanted to cry, but I had no tears for the brutality of these men. James put his knife against my cheek, his eyes had no emotion to them, his blue eyes looked hazy. I couldn't do anything, I felt hopeless, how could I possibly get out of this one? I would have no chance against these men. There is no punching out of this situation, there was no running or hiding. 

All I could do was hold my breath and prepare myself for the blow. 

New Life-

The Pheonix-

The words repeated again. 

"Spider," Loki signed to me. I titled my head as I gazed at him. "Little spider," he signed slow, precise, softly, clear. "Wake up, P-h-e-o-n-i-x," he spelt my name with a soft smile on his lips. It was soothing to me; I didn't know why...


Frantically, I sat up, scanning the room for unwelcomed guests, instead I was meant with Loki, sitting next to my bed in a chair. My chest heaving, but as soon as I recognized him, my breathing returned almost normally. I leant back against the pillows, while the lights came on, dimmer than the bright white lights in the room. I sighed, looking to the door, wanting more company than a God to offer. 

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