Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N- This was my real surprise, ain't finished this book yet! But seriously, this is my last chapter for book one! :) enjoy the last chapter until the next one. 

Scattered, scattered was the word, the word that described my brain perfectly. I was so scattered, with the Avengers looking for Rumlow and them having me help, it's been chaotic. Even with all that non-sense, Nick Fury wanted to come to the compound to see me, to make sure I was "Avenger material." 

Here I was sitting in the main room, on the couch waiting for the man to show up. Soon...The doors opened. When the doors were busted open, he walked in. The whole demeanor changed. There was a sense of power, the sense of commanding, I recognized those signs, the signs that showed I should be a seduced soldier. He didn't only have the sense of power, but he looked it too. 

His outfit was intimidating. His coat, his eye patch, I could see the gadgets on him. His face rested on an angry look. His eyebrows narrowed, his eyes followed the same movement, his mouth was a frown, some wrinkles were peeking through. His hand was on his gun that was suspended on a leather strap under his jacket. 

I rushed to get off the couch. I took to formation of a soldier. My feet pointed outwards, my legs shoulder lengths apart, my hands interlocked behind my back and my head down. I was showing respect to my superiors, I wasn't making eye contact, I was showing I was not trying to intimidate. 

I saw his mouth move, he looked towards Barton, but I made no move to see was Barton was doing. One wrong move, I could be shot, one wrong move I would have been lying on the floor bloody from the punishment, the blood would have trickled down my forehead, I would have many broken bones due to the fun. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

'Don't move, don't move,' I thought to myself. 'Whatever you do, don't move.'

I felt the hand that tapped me moving to the front of my neck. My muscles clenched, my hands began to tremble, my fists tightened cutting blood off from my fingers. The hand soon left my skin, I wanted to sigh in relief, but I wanted to live for another day. I kept my calm face on, not letting him my real fear. 

A rush of calmness washed over me when I saw Barton in front of me. I had to hold down my urge to jump into his arms, but Fury was still there, watching.

"You don't have to do that," Barton signed to me. "How about we both go sit on the couch?" he asked me. I shook my head before he could finish his sentence. He nodded. "Wanna sing a song (sign)?" I shook my head again. "You can stop, F-u-r-y isn't going to hurt you," He tried to reason with me. 

Why didn't he understand? I need to show him respect, or something will happen. I couldn't let that happen, what if they had saw that? It would have been my first scr#w up. I couldn't have that, for them to see me weak, to see me as a threat, I couldn't it broke my heart just thinking about it. 

I saw Fury talking to Barton about something. After they talked, I saw him approaching me slowly, and with caution.  His coat was gliding against the wooden floors. He unholstered his gun, I tensed, I shut my eyes, I knew what was next. When I didn't feel the vibrations of the backfire, I peeked to see what happened. 

The gun that he held with his dominate hand was no longer there, no, it was on the side table that was beside me. He backed up slowly, going to his first position. Finally, I had gotten the confidence to look him in his eyes. His eyes were softened, no longer had a hard gaze. I released my blood thirsty hands to sign. My hands were still trembling, despite the lack of blood my fingers had. 

"When does the interview start?" I asked as my hands trembled with every sign. He looked at Barton, while Barton was translating. Fury answered what I said, while he was looking at me the whole time Barton was telling hm my response. 

"I've seen enough," Barton signed. "You made it, you are now a certified Avenger." 

"But why?" I asked Fury, looking at him, knowing well that Barton would be answering. 

"I like taking chances," he said, looking around the room. He took his time to smirk at every single person. "I created the Avengers off of a risk, I decided I'll be taking one more," Barton signed as Fury was still talking. 

Without another word, he left the room. I was left in my own shock, but not for too long. The team swarmed me, they came with opened arms, all except Loki, which changed after Stark handed him a fifty. My heart was slowly becoming whole again, with my family, with my friends, with the team, I finally felt safe.  


-Hydra's Widow: Pheonix's Revenge, coming May-June 2023 to a Wattpad near you!

For the last time in this book, have a great day/night!

I hope you all enjoyed this story! I look forward to the next one! 

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