Chapter Six

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After waking up with an open book on my head and a tap on my shoulder, I removed the book from my face. I made eye contact with him, I wondered as to why he had woken me up, surly, it wasn't passed seven already, of course I never slept in that late...I sat up on the bed, waiting for Barton to explain why he woken me from my slumber. 

"Remember when I told you 'Soon'?" he asked. I nodded suspiciously; my eyes were still trying to adjust to the lighting in the cell. "This is why," he said walking out of the cell, turning to face me. The cell door remained opened, I waited moments for Barton to close the doors, but it never did. He looked at me with a knowing smile, he gestured to the door, I looked at him with raised eyebrows, my eyes went wide, my jaw almost dropped. He turned away from me, walking out of the main room, leaving me in the same frozen state wondering what it was I was supposed to do. 

'What am I supposed to do?' I asked myself in my head. This could be a test, but why do it with me? What made me so special? 

Stepping closer to the open cell door, I thought a couple more times thinking if I should take my chances. My mind was to be cluttered with overwhelming thoughts, making me go back to the bed to open that Norse Mythology book again. 

With my mind being a spinning tornado, I couldn't concentrate on the words that my mind is reading. I could be out there, when I'm stuck here making decisions. Why couldn't this just be a simple answer? I could go out and face the punishment they will provide me; it can't be anything worse than what Hydra already did to me. 

The remembrance of the scars I had on my body hits me. The whip scars on my back, burn marks going down my right side, multiple knife wounds that had healed over time was scattered throughout my body, I couldn't recall whereas I had many that I had lost the places and the number of those certain scars. Not to mention the emotional scars they had caused me after hours, days, even weeks of nothing but food and torture from Rumlow the guards or any of the prisoners that needed to work on their punches, or their interrogation tactics.  

I walk slowly to the open door. I was expecting no one to be there, but someone did pop out of thin air. 

'Hello again, dear,' the thick accented voice appeared in my head. 

I backed away, going back into my cell. 

'We opened that door for a reason,' Loki reassured me. 

'Really? The Avengers are letting me out?' I questioned in my head. 

'You still don't think you're worth this, do you?' he asked, tilting his head slightly. 

I didn't want to answer. He was right after all; I still don't think the Avengers should care about me. If I was them, I would slit my throat. 

'How many did you kill?'

'Too many to count,' I replied honestly. I already told the others this, but I think he zoned most of the conversation out. 

"80? 100? You must know some kind of number," he said, advancing towards me. 

Something clicked in my head. The victim's faces flash through my head, not just any, but my kills. All of them. Women, men...children. The looks of horror on their faces, as I swipe knives across their body's, the tears flowing from their eyes...Most of all, the realization plastered on their faces that this is how their lives ends. I caused pain. 

'You remember, just like I do,' I look in his green eyes, confused of what he means. 'New York, I was forced to do someone's work. I took 80 lives from this city and others, me alone,' he informed. 'I called an army to rule this world, without knowledge. Barnes fell victim to the same act, you fell victim to the same cruel act, the manipulation, following orders for someone that is too selfish to do it himself,' his voice growled as I shook my head. 

'Rookie number,' I replied.

'Not as many as you, I assume. Maybe you are right, and you killed many more than Barnes and I. But you deserve a chance,' he held out one of his hands for me to take. I hesitantly took it.  

He led me through almost the same path the agents took me to go to the conference room. Although, we took some different turns than before. Finally, he lets go of my hand as we reach a pair of glass doors. I opened said doors, which led to an opened area, filled with couches, a television, tables and other things. I look around to see a doorway, walking slowly to investigate it turned out it led to a kitchen, with a dining table in the same room. 

The only thing about the room that stood out, was the Avengers were there, staring at me. It made me feel out of place, because the stood still. Barton walks up to me, embracing me in a hug? Not knowing how to react to the gesture, I stood still, letting the man hug me. He lets go. 

"Let me show you to your room," he signed cheerfully, a smile plastered on his face. 

'My room?' What is he talking about?' I thought to myself. 'Why give me a room?' 

When he started walking, I followed. Going up a floor he led me to a door without a label (unlike the others had). He opened the door for me, I walked in. My eyes widen at the bed, it had a mattress, a real mattress! Not only that, but it had a dresser two other doors, which Barton encouraged me to open. 

I opened the door that was across from the bed, it was a full bathroom. Walking out, I check the door that was on the right side of the room, which turns out to be a walk-in closet. 

The room may be empty, but I've never had anything that resembled a room before. The Red Room only gave me a small room that resembled a closet, but most had an opened shared room, I guess I was one of the lucky ones... 

"Natasha and I will be taking you shopping tomorrow, to get you things. For now, I'll get her to bring you some of her clothes, and a blanket," he explained to me. 

"Thank-you," I replied before he walked out, shutting the door. 

I flopped onto the bed as I let out a deep sigh. The one time I get my own room. But how long will this dream last? A day? A week? A month? A year? How long before this runs out?

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