Chapter Seventeen

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Stick till end of chapter for an important announcement.

For the months I've been here I had never given myself a good look. My dyed hair sat nicely near my shoulders, my figure was finally gaining some type of weight, my scare could still be seen across my face.  On top of that my face was finally showing some color to it, it was no longer pale what it once was. The greater of my appearance makes me feel free. Free as a bird flying in the sky. 

It was continuing to be a normal day, that soon changed when I see Agents running in the halls in one direction. Red lights flash, which put my senses to an all-time high. I ran out of the main doors which led to the hallways. I looked around to notice all of them carried a weapon, they wore heavy gear, at least most of them. I start to get nervous, the shaking on the floors started to get unbearable as my anxiety grew. 

I started to run against the crowd that was the running soldiers. My breathing fastened; my heart started to pound. I frantically looked around, my head spinning. I started to run again, heading towards to the main room. I caught a glimpse of Loki. 

"What's going on?" I asked him, panicking.

"H-y-d-r-a," he replied. 'We need you safe,' he then said in my mind. I didn't have a chance to respond as he gently but hurriedly pushed me towards the hall that held our rooms. 

We finally made it to his room. I looked to him before opening the door. He rushed to shut the door once we were safely inside. The significate temperature change made me shiver, my breathing did not settle. If anything, it quickened. After moments of time past I felt a shake in the room. I looked to Loki, his armor shimmered onto him, replacing his casual clothing. He summoned a dagger into his hand. 

I scanned the room for a weapon, I didn't find anything until I looked above the headboard of the bed. I swiftly grabbed the weapon, waiting for what is on the other side of the door. The door was thrown in the room. My eyes widen. Crossbones. Crossbones was only a dream of Rumlow's. He wanted to become powerful, super soldier like. 

His suit had a scratched on 'x' on the chest plate, all the pieces of the armor is made out of some sort of metal, or plastic. His face is covered by a piece of the plastic and or metal, his eyes are the only thing visual to me. If he was talking, I couldn't tell. 

He tried to walk into the room, but an unseen force kept him out. I still held the dagger defensively, ready for what's to come. He punched and kicked the unseen force, with no avail he stood silent for a moment. Until he grabbed a gun from the floor beside him, he decided to shoot at the forcefield. With Loki in front of me I couldn't exactly ask him about the field that was keeping Crossbones out.  

For some reason it let the bullets through. I ducked as the bullets entered the room.  My heart started to race faster; my breath began to become shallow, but I couldn't stop, I had to continue what I had to prepare for. The bullets were captured by the walls, some did bounce from objects. 

I pushed my hair away from my face, looking back at the door where Crossbones the intruder was. He was still making no avail with the force but did however decide to shoot more bullets. I knew he was not only trying to get in the room, but to harm us. Loki kept glancing at me, and I kept nodding my head, I didn't know what else to do. He gave one finale glance at me.

Time seemed to go in slow motion as the force that kept Crossbones out, no longer existed. He walked into the room, shaking the floor again. Loki charged Crossbones, I however, stayed on defense. Loki appeared and disappeared around Crossbones; I looked in awe for a quick second before I got back in the fight at hand. 

I held the dagger high, aiming it at Crossbones. I could see his questioning eyes. Anger, hatred, filled my body making my blood boil. Emotions, helpful in some moments, not this one. Emotions make the human race weak. While Loki and Crossbones were still in a tussle I decided to join in on the fun. 

I stepped in between the two, hitting Crossbones in the head with the handle of the dagger. He swung his head back because of the impact, that didn't slow him down as he recovered quickly. I looked to Loki, hoping he had a plan, but all I saw was his eyes staring back at me. I turned back to the opponent. He was using his anger, which caused him to throw sloppy punches. I found an opening to grab his arm and pulled it behind his back. He bended over in pain, although I couldn't hear the sound of pain, I could tell by him tensing. 

I tried to hook my leg around his to flip him over. That didn't work as he hooked his on mine, taking me down to the floor. I could feel something sharp laying at my stomach. I realized that I had no longer had the dagger in hand, Rumlow now had it. I looked frantically around to see that Loki was sitting upright against his bed, he looked exhausted. I felt the same, but it didn't mean to give up. 

I fought to get the weapon out of Rumlow's hand, to no success I gave him a horrified look, though I didn't want to. He lifted his left arm, which was beside me, keeping me pinned. 

"You think you were safe? No, I need my little sweetheart, we all miss you," he signed the best he could with one hand, with a creepily smile. It made me shiver. He dragged the dagger a crossed my chin. He took his mask off. I saw his face, for the first time in a while, chills ran down my spine, before he started signing again. "You see, we also need our project, our entertainment," he smirked. "You were our world, I was going to kill you, but like I said, we need you."   

'No, no, no. He can't take me, this isn't happening,' I thought unaware that I was being read like a book. 

"I won't let that happen, Pheonix,' Loki replied in my head. 

The weapon pushed more on my abdomen, it made me grip his arm, pulling for my own life.  He pulled me off the ground, I tried to get away from him, squirming against his tight grip. He half dragged me out of the room, he was now holding the dagger at my throat, pushing me down the not so crowed halls. An emotion that I haven't felt in months came back to me. Fear, fear it was I had felt, just the thought of going back to made me shiver, made me feel confined. 

At the same time, I felt a sense of calm. How did I feel calm?  I was being dragged down an empty hall. When he finally pushed me towards the front of the building bodies were laying on the floor, lifeless. I was stepping over them, I wanted to stop, I did, but he wouldn't let me. He opened the doors which lead to the outside. The team, including Shield agents stood in front of us, weapons were drawn, drones surrounded us. 

I saw Rogers' mouth move, I saw Stark there, he kept looking at me. Natasha was too focused on Rumlow, Vision's eyes were on me the whole time. James tensed up when he saw me. I was barely holding it together; my emotions were everywhere. Then I felt nothing, no dagger near my throat, no gripping around my body, nothing. All I felt was someone turning me around. 

A/n little announcement, I will be taking off for a week or two, I've been struggling with my mental health again, I feel like I need to find my balance again. Also, hope you all liked the chapter, sorry this took so long but like I said, I couldn't find my balance with things, and I procrastinated, so hopefully when I come back, I will be able to get a whole chapter out for you all! Also sorry for the long chapter.

One last thing, have a great night/day!

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