Chapter Two

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I groaned as I felt an ach in my head. I squinted my eyes as they opened, seeing the dimly lit room. I sat up slowly. I noticed what I was laying on was softer, it was too soft. I looked around to see the cell walls were made out of some sort of glass, not cement like my cell.

Why glass? Glass is easy to break with a hard punch. Which is why I walked over to what I believed to be the front. I formed my hand into a fist, I aimed it at a point in the glass. When my fist made contact with the glass, it didn't crack or shatter. I hissed when the pain registered through my brain.

I looked down to see blood dripping down my knuckles. I quickly ripped a piece of the end of my shirt, as I quickly recognized that I didn't have my jacket anymore. I wrapped it around my hand and put pressure on the bleeding wound. I sat back down on the bed, watching the cloth slowly being engulfed by the crimson-colored liquid. 

I looked up to see a short male wearing a flannel button down shirt. He had short black curly hair, that didn't reach his forehead. He had a bag in his hand. It clicked, Dr. Bruce Banner. He seemed worried.

He jogged to the door. The glass door automatically opened. Then I saw who had followed him in the room, Tony Stark. Dr. Banner rushed to me. He removed the cloth over my hand. I looked with my head tilted, confused. 

'Don't they want me dead?'

Dr. Banner took a bandage and wrapped it around my hand. I had the urge to punch my way through the two men.

After he covered my wound, they left the cell, leaving me with my thoughts. 

Another man stood in front of the cell. Instead of dark hair this man had short blond hair, he was very muscular. Then it became obvious who it was as his suit represented the United States. Captain America or Steve Rogers. The first Avenger to have existed, the first super soldier. The guy who always wanted to end the war, but instead he became a part of it.

His mouth seemed to be moving. I didn't think he knew what I was. I pointed to my ears to try to get the point across. He didn't know what it was supposed to mean. As I saw his eyebrows narrowing at me, his face overall turned a shade of red.

"C-A-P-T-A-I-N," I tried to finger spell for him. Something seemed to click with that. He nodded and left.

When he came back, he came back with the famous archer. Why would he bring him in here? I thought that he would be just like Steve Rogers, until he started signing.

"What is your name?" he asked in sign language.

"Phoenix," I signed back. I knew they were asking my real name, but I've never had one, I only ever had my code or mission name. It was aways people calling me by that name, never common names you would find in other places.

"Your real name," he signed.

"I don't have one," I replied in sign language. He gave me a confused look.

Steve Rogers looked to Clint Barton; they seem to be talking to each other. The captain seemed more confused than Hawkeye. At last, they finally stopped talking and I saw Barton getting ready to sign something else.

"Rank?" he asked.

"Eleven," I replied. Which was the truth. Of course, the rank system never made sense to me as they were by jobs we were assigned to. Guards lowest, soldiers, agents, and many more, assassins were the second to highest, project leaders and Red Skull was the highest.

After my answer they walked out without any other words or questions.

Later on, Barton walked back in with a metal tray of food. He carefully opened the cell door. He placed the tray on the floor by the door. I got up from the bed once the cell door closed. I grabbed the tray and sat on the floor, to eat.

The food didn't smell or looked like Hydra's. It smelled like it had been heated and not left out to get cold. It had steam coming from the turkey sandwich. Potatoes that looked freshly cut laid on the side of the tray. a plastic cup filled with water completed the meal. I dug into the meal. I didn't care if it was poison, it smelled so good. It's been years since I had a meal that was hot.

After eating I stood up and headed over to the bed in the cell. Agent Barton seems to be taken back by the fact that I'm not bothering with the door.

He opened the door to take the tray back. After he left the lights went out. So, I laid on my side, curling up to use my body heat. I couldn't complain about not having the blanket, Hydra never did give me anything to keep warm. 

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