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Jeno had a blank expression on his face while he ate his food. "We should do this more often."
"Skipping school then nearly getting caught stealing? Yeah no."
"Come on princess." He whined.
Chaewon spluttered and began hardly hitting her chest to stop herself from choking. A smile tugged at his lips yet he remained unfazed.
"Glad to know I still have an effect on you."

Chaewon's eyes darted around the restaurant to see if anyone noticed her choking. "You have something on your lips." Without giving her a chance to process anything, Jeno carefully leaned forward to use the pad of his thumb to wipe the drop of coke. It was as if time had stopped and everything was in slow motion. He felt his throat get dry, and for the first time he had no words to say. "There. All done." What he didn't realise was her eyes still lingering on him. "We should leave now."

The pair were walking to a car park where Jeno had left his motorcycle a day ago. A comfortable silence engulfed them. "Your mum is probably worried about you." Jeno said with a smile.
"Definitely gonna get yelled at when I get home."
Their shoulders brushed against each other, knuckles also touching slightly. "How do you causally leave your motorbike here for a day?" She asked, still confused about whether it could get stolen or not.
"My brother lives somewhere near here and he used it."

"Get on." He threw her a helmet and put his own on. She swung her legs onto his bike - not knowing much about motorcycles. "You might want to hold on."
"Wait what-" He reared the engine and without warning, the bike jolted forward. She wrapped her hands around his waist and her cheek was pressed against his back.

"You could've told me you were going to start driving you idiot!"
"What's the fun in that." It has been a few minutes and Chaewon felt like she was going to fall off the bike any second. Jeno made an abrupt stop, her hands squeezing his body tighter. "You can let go now princess. We're here." To her surprise, she was home. The girl took the helmet off and rested it against the bike handles.

He waited until she went inside, not forgetting to greet her mum. "Thank you for today Jeno." Chaewon smiled brightly as she waved, closing the door behind her.
do you..like her?
Jeno was too indulged into his thoughts he didn't realise how late it was getting.
No, no she's just your friend Jeno.

Chaewon was looking outside of her window when she noticed Jeno was still there. Sighing, she closed her blinds and returned to her messy desk, stacking up her papers that were scattered across the table.
Stop getting your hopes up Chaewon.

Sweet hug| Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now