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A young man rode upon his mighty steed through the Enchanted Forest, the forest he had called home for his entire life. He wore red velvet upon his back, cape flowing in the wind as his horse pounded his hooves into the dirt. The man was in pain, pain from being separated from the woman he loves more than life itself. They had been through far too much together to be torn apart now because of the evil that reigned over their home. Their love, their true love, was far more powerful than the magic these cruel forces used to keep them separate.

When he saw ahead of him a group of dwarves standing by a log, he panicked, the snow around him falling on his shoulders as his eyes looked frantically for the girl he loved. Stepping down from his horse, he looked at the seven dwarves that stood surrounding her, his sorrow beginning to overwhelm him. They looked back at him when he approached, some with tears in their eyes, as they spread for him to look upon the girl.

"You're too late," one of them said, and moved to reveal a beautiful girl encased in a glass coffin. Her hair as black as ebony, and her skin as white as snow, she was the fairest girl to be seen in the land.

"No..." the man whispered, coming up to her side to look into the casket where she lay, her arms crossed in a peaceful slumber. "No!" Looking upon her, he could only see the woman he loved, and he knew he needed one last moment with her if he could get it. He knew what the Dark One had told him, what he must do. He needed her. "Open it."

"I'm sorry. She's gone," another dwarf said, his voice strained with anger and sadness.

Tears gathered in his eyes as he stood by her, his fingers running over the beautiful wood and glass of the coffin. Glass, for others to be able to see her beauty until the end of time. "At least let me say goodbye," the man begged, looking at the grumpy dwarf in front of him.

The dwarves looked at one another, before silently agreeing and removing the glass case from the log. The man looked down at the girl he loved, and in a single moment, he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips. A burst of energy, magic, fell from this kiss, the dwarves feeling it in their bones as it traveled through the land from this one kiss. This kiss of true love.

When the man pulled away, the girl gasped, her eyes opening suddenly as a breath of air entered her lungs. She was alive. The man looked down in joy as he leaned over the girl, a smile gracing his face as her eyes came to catch his. "You... You found me," she smiled, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Did you ever doubt I would?" he questioned her playfully, gently taking a hold of her arm.

Sitting up in what was once her coffin, the girl looked at him with all the love she could muster and said, "Truthfully? The glass coffin gave me pause."

"You never have to worry. I will always find you," the man said, brushing her hair from her face.

"Do you promise?" she asked, her voice quiet with hope.


"I do," the man said, holding his new wife's hands in his own on their wedding day. They were surrounded by the entire kingdom, the love they shared bursting through everyone's hearts as they watched the greatest couple in the Enchanted Forest become one, finally.

For, this man was Prince Charming, and this girl was Snow White. And all in the kingdom knew them as benevolent, loving leaders, who defeated the greatest evil this world had ever seen.

"And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity?" the pastor asked her, looking in joy of the bond he was creating between the two of them.

"I do," Snow answered, her gaze fixed on Charming.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the pastor said, and the entire kingdom cheered as they reached for each other. Even Grumpy the dwarf smirked and clapped.

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