Greengrass bitch

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After my talk with Draco I started thinking. He said he didn't want to lose me. What the hell could that mean? I mean it's clear we both hate each other because even if you didn't hate a person you wouldn't joke about their dead mom if you liked them.

The entire thing was starting to bother me. Especially the way I felt when he lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. In the moment I liked it but now I was starting to hate it. I hated how he made me forgive him so easily. I hated that he toyed with me. And I hated that people kept telling me he liked me.

It dawned on me that our entire "relationship" was toxic. It was so much easier when I hated him. I wanted us to go back to that. Constant bickering and avoiding each other. I needed it because I was starting to doubt things.

I made my way down to the great hall for dinner. As soon as I walked in my eyes fell on Cedric. I should be focused on him. I put a smile on my face and walked over to the hufflepuff table. When I got to the table one of Cedric's friends elbowed him and pointed up at me. As soon as Cedric saw me a smile lit up on his face.

"Hey Y/n."He signaled for his friend to scoot over some.

"Oh no it's fine. I don't want to impose."

"It's fine Snape. I don't mind."His friend said and moved over some.

"Thanks."I sat down next to Cedric and he turned to face me.

"Starring already Diggory?"I teased.

"Hard no too."

I felt my face heat up."I like cheesy Cedric. It's cute."

"Every part of me is cute Y/n. You'll see eventually."

"Oh."I said raising an eyebrow to mess with him.

"Mhm. So what have you been up too? Causing mischief I presume."

"Is that what you think of me Cedric.I'll have you know I haven't caused trouble in a week. Wait no it's been...."I said tapping my chin pretending to think."It's been three days actually, if you count blowing up somebody's potion."

"I think we have to count it."He smiled at me but then his face turned soft and I knew what he was going to ask."And you're feeling better Y/n?"

"Yes. I'm feeling fine. It's old news, I wont waste my time being worried about Malfoy."I said feeling guilty.

"Okay."He said and I could see he was doubting my words.

"I promise I'm fine Cedric."Then I leaned in and whispered in his ear."Don't tell anyone but guess what."

"What?"He whispered back.

"Malfoy apologized. I haven't forgiven him but apologized."

"Malfoy as in Draco Malfoy?"

"Mhm."I said sitting back.

"There's no way." He said looking across the room to the Slytherin table to where Malfoy was sitting.

"I swear to Merlin he did.It came as quite as shock to me too. Seems he finally got his knickers out of a bunch. Mental that one, I'm telling you."I said causing a laugh from Cedric."Oh I forgot to ask Ced, did you find out what the first task was?"

"Actually yeah. Potter told me it would be dragons. I feel a bit bad for him though. Seems everyone's really mad at him. Have you seen the badges?"

"Yeah. I feel bad for him too. I don't think he put his name in. Who ever did it is a right arse cause they're putting that lad through hell."

"Mhm."Cedric agreed.

"You'd better be careful Cedric and I mean it. Don't go dying on me. I swear if you get hurt I'll hex you."

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