Chapter 2 : The Chaos

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This story is made of Kimporsché parts in kinnporsche novel parts and author imagination. So, this story is not entirely mine. This story contains spoilers because it have similar scene like in the original novel.

Warning this story contains strong language and mature content It is 18+ fan fiction. I'm sorry if my grammar is bad because english is not my first language.


Chapter 2 : The Chaos


I was sleeping inside my room peacefully. I heard someone knock on the door In the morning. That person was knocking the door like he would break the door and come inside the room.

"Damn.. who is disturbing me...while I'm sleeping" I said quietly and turned to sleep again.

"Khun Noo you should not disturb people while they are sleeping."

"Ai Pete don't tell me what to do. What is his name again?"

"Porsché, Khun Noo....."

I heard P'Pete voice with few other people they were talking loudly outside my room. I couldn't go back to sleep again because of it. I stretched my hand looking out for the clock it was 8am.

Shiyaaa when I'm at my home I would never wake up until 11:30am but If I have school then obviously I have to wake early but I'm not going school right now? Then why are you disturbing me in my sleep.

Wait, maybe P'Pete must have came tell something about my brother. I thought that and quickly got up from the bed then quickly ran towards the door to opened it for them.

When I opened the door. I see a guy standing in front of my room wearing weird clothes that guy look like Kim and Kinn but more unstable version of the them.

He was wearing bright yellow, green and red coloured clothes. He dyed his hair in red colour and he wore red and white colour sunglasses in the morning!.

Although he had good face feature but damn with this style. He was more looking like someone came out from the circus. The clotges wore were not meant for the daily life.

Why he did wear that bright clothes in the morning. My eyes hurts when I look at him.

"Krub. What happened P'Pete?" I asked P'Pete. P'Pete and P'Pol was standing behind this crazy looking guy.

"You're Porsche little brother right?" The crazily dressed guy asked me.

"Yes. What happened?" I told him with puzzled expression on my face. What does this guy want from me.

"Since Porsche is not here. I will take care of you." He told me. Why this doesn't feel right to me. I hesitated a little after I glance at P'Pete he gave me pity expression now I'm sure this thing ain't right.

"Let's go to my room." He said and grabbed my shoulder to take me to his room but I stopped him.

"Wait Phi. I have just woke up let me washed up first" I told him and removed his hand from my shoulders. I just woke up at least let me fresh up a bit and make myself be a little awake. I feel like I would be sleep walking right now.

"Okay, Pol will stay here with him after finishing take him to my room. Today we all will watch new drama together." He said to P'Pol. After he turned to go back to his room.

"Krub Mr.Khun " P'Pol said. After the other went away too.

"What was that P'Pol" I asked. I was really confused what did I just see.

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