Chapter 5 Spencer, Toby & Adalyn

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Spencer, Toby & Adalyn

It was early morning, Spencer and Toby were sitting on their back porch on the warm late spring morning drinking their coffee.

Spencer was on her phone scrolling through her Facebook news feed and saw a picture of Penelope and Charles at the Red Socks game the other day. She leans over and shows Toby. "Look honey aren't they cute?"

Toby looks up from the newspaper he was reading. "Yes they are." He smiles

"It's so hard to think about Penelope being all grown up, through college, married and moved away isn't it?"

"Yes it is."

"I kind of wish she wasn't grown up already, I miss my babies."

"She's 24 Spence, how long did you want her to stay? Plus Adalyn is still here."

"No, I know she had to move out, and true, but I mean I miss baby babies. Like new born, toddler years, back when they needed you for everything." She frowns missing those years.

"They still need you, you know that."

"Yeah, I guess but it's just not the same, I want them to be babies again."

"Were not having another baby Spencer" Toby says looking over at her.

"I know Toby, I never said I wanted to have another, but I mean we are young enough to if we wanted to, I mean are kids may be old but where not that old since we started a family so long."

"No." He says looking back at the newspaper.

"No what?"

"We are not having another kid."

Spencer frowns "Fine."

Toby sighs and rolls her eyes that is all she ever brought up anymore, it was annoying. Their kids are already grown up, and the last thing he wanted to do was restart.

"Well I at least wish I had more then 1 grandchild." Spencer groans

"You will have two in a couple months, Kylene is pregnant again remember?"

"Yes I know, but like why don't Penelope and Charles have one? I think they should they have been married long enough and are old enough."

"Spencer you know they don't want one yet, if ever so stop it, and you better not be bugging Penny to have one either." He looks at her

"I'm not." She lies she was always trying to get them to.

Adalyn was up getting ready for work. She works at Starbucks, and it wasn't her favorite, but she still couldn't figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She had already taken her basic pre reqs at the Rosewood community college, so when ever she decides what to do and where she can start right away. She soon runs out the door "I'm leaving bye!" She yells before she leaves

"Bye!" Spencer and Toby respond.

A while later Spencer was working on making lunch for her and Toby, She decided to call and say hi to Penelope, see how she was doing, she talked to all of her kids often.

"Hey mom.." Penelope answers

"Hey, I was just calling to say hi, how are you and Chase?"

"Were good, out grocery shopping right now, how are you and dad, and Addy? She asks as Chase was putting junk food into the cart and she gave him and look and took it out, as if he was a kid and couldn't have it.

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