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- USS Enterprise. Sol Sector--

“Thank you Admiral. We will rendezvous with the Farragut in 26 hours. Picard out”

Closing his Terminal Captain JeanLuc Picard rose from the desk in his readyroom and promptly exited out onto the Bridge

“Helm set course for the Carlia System Warp 8 Engage”

“Aye sir. Carlia System Warp 8.”

Earths view on the screen faded from view as the Enterprise turned and soon the stars began streakint by as the vessel entered Warp

“We get a new mission Jean Luc?” Beverly asked taking a seat in Trois former chair

“It appears so. They discovered something in Aegis 7 in the gamma Quadrant.  We are to intercept the Faragut and pick up Doctor Hernandez and transport him to the planet. Since our recent update to systems Starfleet installed a new advanced science facility. This will be a good opportunity to put it to use” 

“This will be our first time in the Gamma Quadrant. Honestly thst alone sounds exciting. I was surprised the Dominion even opened an Invitation” Beverly replied

“Its been troubling me to. But if the Founders desire peace then we should at least listen.”

The fact that the xenophobic rulers of the empire that held control over a vast majority of the Gamma Quadrant would so quickly offer a gift of peace didnt sit well

As the hours passed. A furthering unsettling feeling brewed inside Picard

He sat himself in Ten Forward eyes gazing on a PADD the reports on this alien artifact displayed

“Alien Artifact is unlike anything we've seen. It's composed of unknown materials and clearly forgien to this planet. The various markings across its surface is a language not known to the Federation Database and attempts to reach out to the Vorta Liaison have offered little to no Answers. Either they are hiding something or this Artifact is new to them as well”

The room gave a slight vibration as there was a flash across the room

They dropped out of warp. And the Nebula Class Faragut was now visible

“Captain. We've arrived. Faragut signaling they are ready to beam Dr Hernandez aboard”

Tapping at his combadge Picard rose from his chair

“Acknowledged Inform the Doctor i will greet him in Transporter room 2”

Transporter room 2 was only 2 decks down and a short trip to the turbolift directly across the hall

Arriving in a brisk pace Picard stood next to the Transporter chief giving her a nod


The Transpoter pad lit up as a column of blue formed the outline of a human male

As the light faded it revealed a tall slender male in a White labcoat

“Ah Captain Picard!. Its a pleasure i just must say its a great honor to have the Federation's Flagship transport me to this wondrous discovery!”

"The pleasure is all ours Doctor we are happy to be along for the ride" Picard spoke gesturing for the doctor to follow. 

"I'll be happy to show you to your quarters if you like?" Adding as they stepped into the corridor

"Oh no I've had pleanty of rest Captain I'm most interested in seeing this vessels new laboratories! I hear they are more advanced then even the Farragut which mind you has impressive facilities of her own!" The Doctor spoke with enthusiasm in his voice.  "And I'm most eager to see this discovery of the gamma quadrate. Studying long forgotten alien civilizations is a passion and if I read the reports correctly this one may have even predated the Dominion which has existed for centuries!"

Picard couldn't help but admire the Doctors excitement and enthusiasm as they walked.  Though that troubling feeling was still brewing inside him as he tapped his combadge

"Picard to Bridge the Doctors aboard set a course for the Bajoran sector Warp seven"

Star Trek: Dead SpaceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin