chapter 7: critical.

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Back aboard the Enterprise, Picard was gripping tightly at the edge of his chair.  "Transporter room! Do you have her!" He shouted 

There was a pause  "yes sir… she's suffered extensive injuries we've beamed her to sickbay" the transporter room said

"Beam the remaining team aboard." He commanded rising from his seat.  He turned to tactical

"Lt as soon as Commander Laforge and his team are aboard. Finish downloading those logs and set the Curys helm to fly her into that star"

And with that Picard took off for the turbolift and back on the Cury Commander Laforge had told the transporter room to hold off.  Even though he got partial main power back on the impulse engines were now giving him issues. He assured he was taking every precautions and the thought that Doctor crusher was fighting for her life now scared the shit out of him

Were there more of those things? He heard that roar over the comlink

"Harrison keep that phaser ready and stand guard at the doors!  Jameson help me with this manifold we need to purge the excess plasma and vent out the impulse drive before we can reinitialize this things only orbiting on thrusters right now"

"Commander!" Yelled one of the medical officers that had acompyined them.  Following the man's voice Laforge stepped into a cargobay that was adjacent to the Engine room and what he saw made him pause

"What the hell?" He asked as he looked up at the towering monolith structure "this must be the alien artifact the research team found".  Tapping his combadge he took out his tricorder and began scanning the object

"LaForge to Enterprise" 

"Go ahead Commander are you almost finished over there? Any sign of hostiles?" Picard answered

"No sir this deck is clear they seem to be focused in the shuttlebay, sickbay and the crew decks. I've intiated containment fields to hopefully keep them in place till we're done"

"Understood. Dr Crusher is in critical condition we will need to return to deep space nine as soon as possible I need you to hurry Commander" Picard answered

"Understood, sir I'm looking at what appears to be the alien artifact mentioned in the reports. What should we do with it?" 

There was a pause before Picard answered "is there any reason to believe it is linked to the infections?" 

"Unsure sir my tricorders having difficulty scanning it. However we could beam it into cargo bay four and initiate a quartine field till we are certain" laforge spoke pausing to analyze the tricorder readings as Picard responded.  "I would prefer more answers however given our original mission it's a risk I'll take. This object may hold more answers to what happened. I'll have cargo bay four prepare for it's transport and inform the professor Picard out"

"Ok you heard the Captain. Let's get this thing ready for transport" LaForge ordered as he returned to the engine room.  

"I think I got it commander the impulse Manifold is purged" spoke one of the engineers.   "Perfect. Computer status of impulse engines?" LaForge asked

"Impulse engines are online and functioning at 76%" the computer responded. 

"Alright. Computer transfer helm control to Engineering station beta 1" Laforge continued.  "Unable to comply bridge override control is unavailable.helm control available through main con only" the computer responded

"Really?. .. we don't have time to manually release the helm. Gomez you're with me we're gonna have to return to the bridge" Laforge said drawing his phaser and making way for the doors

"The rest of you beam that marker over and return to the Enterprise.  LaForge to transporter room"

"Go ahead Commander" answered the chief

"Chief we are beaming a alien marker and the rest of the away team over. Me and Gomez are returning to the bridge to set the helm. I want a active transporter lock on us both at all times Incase we run into those creatures" Laforge spoke activating his wrist light.  Despite the power being restored many of the corridor lights were damaged or inoperable

"Understood commander I'm locked onto your combadges I'll he monitoring comlinks and will pull you out at the first sign of danger"

Taking a breath LaForge stepped back into the bloodbath that wee the Cury hall

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