Chapter17: Thunderchild vs Enterprise

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Thunderchild ready room:

Long discussions, arguments and decisions on what to do next resulted in Fleming giving into Picard's idea. As dangerous as the Marker was the Archeologist in Fleming wanted to attempt to secure the Marker and transport it to a more secure research facility even tho it's caused this. But what must be done must be done

"Ensign prepare to lock tractor beams on the Enterprise then set course heading for the Bajoran sun."

"Aye sir. Sir interference from the Enterprise is growing significantly I'm reading a buildup in her hull" Ops answered

"Onscreen" Fleming ordered as the view screen shifted to show the Enterprise and her main shuttle bay doors rupturing giving way to a orange greyish mass now expanding outwards and around her saucer

"What the hell is that?!" Fleming asked

"Unknown but it's growing rapidly" Ops said as they watched it grow bigger in bigger engulfing the Enterprise with massive tentical like appendages extending from the main mass

"×incoming!" Ops shouted as the bridge was rocked

"Direct impact shields holding!" Ops reported

"Back us off " Fleming ordered

"They're coming in again!" Ops replied as the bridge shuddered and lights flickered

"They're grabbing onto the hull!" Ops reported.

"FULL REVERSE NOW!" Fleming bellowed out. The bridge shook violently with consoles and lights flickering

"They're holding firm sir they've broken through shields they're tearing into the hull! Hull stress is rising were gonna have hull breaches!" Ops reported

"Tactical lock phasers open fire cut those damn things off!" Fleming ordered taking his seat.

"Such rapid growth it's taken my entire ship in less then a day" Picard said

"Firing phasers. No effect sir" Tactical responded as explosions rocked the bridge sending sparks and (ROCKS!) everywhere.

"Hull breaches on decks 4-6 emergency force fields in place" Ops said with Fleming gripping his chairs armrest tightly

"Quantum torpedos full spread target the Enterprises warpcore fire" Fleming said

"Interference from the Enterprise is disrupting Targeting scanners sir" Tactical reported

".... Lt we are literally facing the Enterprise you have eyes do you? You know how to manually target? I SAID FIRE TORPEDOS NOW!" Fleming yelled resulting in the Tactical officer jumping and giving a yes sir

Three glowing blue orbs flew across the view screen one by one impacting the Enterprises engineering hull pieces of the monstrous creature being blown to bits

"It seems the organic mass has absorbed most of the blast from our weapons sir! We caused alot of damage but not enough" Oos said

The bridge rocked again with Picard flung intk a wall and everyone else tossed from their seats. Alarms blared as lights dimmed and consoles began losing power

"They've torn more hull plating I got multiple hull breaches sir! Main power is begining to fail!" Ops said

"Emergency power to structural integrity and weapons Tactical throw everything we have at them! Send a distress call to the Klingon vessel we need assistance" Fleming ordered pulling himself off the ground

"Weapons are failing attempting to divert auxiliary power. Firing torpedos! Klingon vessel is responding they've finished evacuating Ds9 personal the stations set to self destruct"

"I don't care I need their heavy weapons before I lose my Damn ship to space worms!" Fleming yelled

"I've restored power to shields and I'm reversing the polarity of the hull it's working and weakening their hold on us" Ops said "tactical try the phasers again aim for these coordinates they may be weak spots " she said

"Received locking on.. .. god manual targeting sucks! Firing phasers!"

The red beams lashed out impacting the various appendages one of whjc got sliced in two the others retracting and returning to the Enterprise

"We've broken free! Moving us away with thrusters"

"What the fuck was that?!" Fleming asked

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