prologue: A Warning

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Alarms blared. Screams filled the air


“computers initiate quarantine protocols.  Lock down all levels and erect level 10 forcefields around the command center. Authorization Kiria Beta 334 Alpha!”.

“Warning primary systems failure. Quarantine protocol has failed. Primary energy core is at 12% emergency power unavailable”


A distressed Kira Nyres looked at the panicked state of her command center. The pounding on the doors and the monstrous growls from the other side

“Arm yourselves! Take aim and fire at will!. Computer… is there enough power for a communications transmission?”


“Open a system wide communication and direct to StarFleet command. Priority Zero” she asked

“Channel open”

“To all ships. Neighboring systems and to the United Federation of Planets. This is Colonel Kira Nyres speaking on behalf of rhe fallen Bajoran Government. I am installing a level 20 quarantine of the Bajoran system. Ds9 and Bajor have fallen to a unknown form of Alien Infection. …. Stay away at all cost!!!”

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