Chapter16: Act Quickly

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"What the fuck are these things?! How are they so strong?"

The echoes of phaser fire and screams filled the Promonade as Bajoran and Starfleet security personal were pushed further and further back. The creatures continued to multiply the more that were killed the more that joined their ranks.

At Quarks Bar, Quark watched in concern at the security moving back and forth.

"I just had to stay. Just had to protect my latninum just had to protect my bar. Starfleet would save us I said.... Pshh. " Quark mumbled to himself moving away from the door and looking up to the empty room. "ROM YOU BETTER HAVE ALL THOSE ENTRANCES SEALED!" he yelled

Ds9 Ops:

"Atmosphere decompression complete colonel. That helped but there's still more and they've entered the Promonade" a Bajoran officer reported.

"Vent every section not currently occupied by a living person and cut off all power to those sections... This is getting out of hand way to fast contact any ships in this area I want full evacuations now. "

Approaching the MSD table she pressed her palm against a console. "Computer recognize Colonel Kira Neyres. Commander Deep Space Nine. Initiate self destruct sequence Authorization Kira alpha 113 Gamma . Set for One hour and Thirty minutes enable"

"Command accepted Auto destruct is initiated Reactor core overload will now occure in one hour and Thirty minutes" the Computer responded

"I want all non essential personnel here to evacuate while you still can. Prepare to beam to the Klingon vessel." Kira ordered.

"May the Prophets help us all"

Enterprise Deck 15:

"I'm locked on with Captain Picard's combadge looks like he's in sickbay I'm picking up energy readings. Seems like Sickbays emergency power backups are online. He must have barricaded himself"

"Good let's move" Commander Garrison said taking lead with his rifle up. The roars of creatures nearby. "Be alert" he said as they moved through a curving corridor

"Incoming life signs! Moving in rapidly" everyone lifted their rifles and prepared themselves

"Fire at will!" Garrison ordered as the corridor illuminated with the glow of phaser blast ringing out at the incoming creatures. One by one the creatures were engulfed and their flesh disentergrated by the phaser fire. Till none remained

"Good God they are very persistent. I think I shot one 3 times before I vaporized it fully" one commented.

"Keep your guards up these monsters are vicious and do not give up" garrison said as they continued. Finally reaching sickbay Garrison stepped up to the door touching it and wincing at the feedback given by a forcefield.

Tapping his combadge he spoke

"Commander Garrison to Captain Picard. Come in we have come from the USS Thunderchild and are ready to bring you back"

There was a pause before the doors opened and a bloodied and near broken man answered

"Garrison.. I need to speak to your Captain"

Thunderchild bridge:

Alarms were blaring loudly as Fleming exited from the ready room

"Report!" He ordered

"Shuttlecraft Edwards was impacted and was brought back in by tractor beams. One of those creatures was inside. Ensign James is dead and reports of 5 more fatalities before Security was able to vaporize the creature" ops reported

"Great those things can survive the vacuum of space now? Shields to full I don't want any of those monstrosities impacting my ship.... Prepare to tractor the Rio Grande we'll bring her int the Shuttlebay but make damn sure you scan thoroughly before you do I want no more surprises. Report on the recovery effort on the Enterprise"

"Garrison reports contact made with Captain Picard. They're setting up transport enhancers to beam back. Captain Picard wants to speak to you directly" ops answered

"As do I Ensign have the Captain report to my ready room when they're aboard"

Enterprise Deck 15:

"So you're saying this Marker is the source of all this?" Garrison asked as his team worked to set up Pattern enhancers

"I'm uncertain commander the full extent of this markers involvement but the professors research certainly points in that direction. I'm not sure if destroying it will solve everything but certainly it will prevent it happening again but to do so it must be destroyed by something of significant power. Normal phasers or even a warp core explosion would be insufficient as if just a piece would to survive then it's influence continues. We must take it and throw it into the Bajoran Sun"

"I doubt Captain Fleming will allow us to simply beam it aboard." Garrison thought

"A suffeciant containment field is enough to nullify it's effects temporarily  had we not taken on a unexpected passenger from the Cury I feel nothing Ill would have come from it but. If necessary we can tow the Enterprise and push her into the Sun with the Marker" Picard said

"Don't think Starfleet would appreciate us destroying one of their prized ships " Garrison chuckled turning to see his Team A returning

"If it protects the federation from this infection the Enterprise is but a small price to pay Commander besides she is already lost with that organic growth claiming her hull"

"We noticed that what is it?" He asked.

"I do not know but it's connected to these creatures and aides in their reproduction".

"That growth has been expanding rather rapidly if I may interject I don't know what's fueling it but Id rather not stick around to see what comes from it" Ensign Rico spoke

"agreed if you're ready Captain let's go"

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