Chapter 6: danger on the Cury

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-U.S.S Cury---

"God I'm sick at my stomach" LaForge spoke as he and his team navigated the corridors stepping over dead bodies blood and human organs.  "What ever did this I don't want to meet them.  LaForge to Enterprise!" 

"Go ahead Mr.Laforge" Picard answered

"Captain this is a massacre! What ever happened to this ship the crew is dead I mean dead dead I'm seeing dismembered bodies blood organs and everything else splattered around.  But Dr.Crusher insist we remain and abide by the ships quarantine till she's certain it's safe for us to return"

"Understood Mr Laforge continue with absolute caution. Mr Worf was recovered from the surface moments ago and he spoke of a alien infection that affected the Defiant crew.  Get main power back online and download any and all logs, then if Dr Crusher determines its safe I want you to plot a auto course and send the Cury into the nearby star"

"Nearby star?" LaForge asked

"Yes commander what ever infection this is I don't want a risk of spreading it across the planet you are to set course for The Aegis star " Picard said

"Aye sir understood Laforge out" 

Back on the bridge With the help of one of the engineers Beverly had restored power to the ships science station.   "Computer access logs of the Chief Medical officer "

"Working….. warning files are corrupted due to damage to main computer core Logs may be incomplete or inoperable" the computer answers

"Understood play the last log available"

A beep responded as the screen lit up with a staticy recording of a young man in a uniform

"Chief medical officers log… this infection is growing at rates I have never seen before it's tearing the crew apart! Each new host is transformed into this monstrosity of a creature it's as if their DNA structure is completely rewritten …...I hear….. terror!...  Phasers.  Captain has ordered….  Down of all systems… crew.  In quarters!  If I cannot find a way to stop this we are doomed…. It all started with that blasted….. ker of Castillo we need to …. It"

"End of log. Data corrupted unable to retrieve any previous log data" the computer spoke

Just as the log ended the lights came back on. 

"Doctor I've restored emergency power but I'm not sure how long it'll hold Im working on main power but it is a mess down here"

"Understood Geordie" Crusher said while opening her medical tricorder.  She approached the remains of Captain Venison and waved the device over him.  She studied her tricorder trying to look for anything that could remotely be contagious or dangerous to herself or the others.  Something made the ships doctor active that medical quarantine.

But her tricorder showed nothing. Nothing at all least nothing like a virus

A deep sigh escaped her as she closed her tricorder and tapped her combadge.  "Crusher to Picard?"

"Go ahead Doctor" Picard answered.

"After reviewing logs and doing a detailed scan I believe me and the away team aren't in danger of contracting anything dangerous however I still recommend full decontamination protocol during transport"

"Understood Doctor are you ready to return? We have linked with the Curys computers and are in the process of downloading them we should have them all in ten minutes"   Beverly took another look around the devistating scene around her before nodding. "Yes I would very much like to lea..".  A loud banging sound echoed across cutting her off 

"Main power restored to 45%" the computer spoke almost making Beverly jump as another loud banging echoed 

"Doctor are you there?" Picard asked. 

"Yes I'm just I think I heard somethi.." she begain however before the sentence finished alarms began blaring. 

"Warning Intruder alert! Decks 1-15!" The computer spoke and as it did a door leading off to the bridges conference room bursted open.  Beverly's eyes went wide at the sight of this was it human? No it was disfigured mutated monstrous. And as it made eye contact with the doctor it let out a terrifying roar before charging 

"JEAN LUC EMERGENCY BEAM OUT NOW!" crusher screamed reaching for her phaser.  She fumbled with the device taking aim but the creature was already across the room moving at inhuman speeds. It's giant gaping mouth opened with rows of terryigjly sharp teeth swinging it's arm which seemed to have a sharpened piece of bone extruding from it's flesh

Crusher screamed as the transporter beam grabbed her

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