Chapter 3: the Prophets warning.

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Bajoran sector

Picard sat in his command chair, eyes focused on a padd in his hands reading the last reports from the team. Since their departure from the Farragut in the Carila system a troubling development had unfolded

Deep Space Nine had reported they had lost contact with the USS Cury and Defiant and attempts to reestablish communication had failed.   The Enterprises current orders were to investigate

"Geordie. TheCury had spoken of strong interference coming from the Planets surface is there any possibility this interference is what's cut them off?" Picard asked turning towards his chief engineer

"It could be possible Captain but from what I'm seeing in the sensor data they last sent. The interference would only effect sensor effectiveness I don't see that it would completely block out communication at least nothing they wouldn't be able to compensate for"

Picards facial expressions furled as he turned back to the view screen

"Entering Bajoran space Captain." The helm spoke

"Inform Deep space nine we will be proceeding to the Gamma quadrate and prepare to take us into the wormhole Ensign"

"Aye sir, Deep space nine acknowledge and wishing us luck". Helm responded as the station passed by the screen and soon after the bridge was illuminated by the brilliant blue glow of the wormhole

"Absolutely stunning" Geordie said grinning

"Impressive indeed " Picard responded watching the swirling energy before them

The bridge began to vibrate and consoles flickering.

"Impulse speed dropping Captain. Helm is not responding" helm answered

"Mr. laforge report" 

"I don't know captain it seems as though something's slowing us down but I can't make heads or tails of it"

"Run a diagnostic and pre" Picard didn't get to finish his sentence before he was engulfed in a white light

Suddenly he was in Ten Forward

His various officers around him

"It is Coporeal" Beverly spoke

"He is known by the sisko" Geordie added

"He doesn't know what is to come" spoke Ensign Davis

Picard was piecing together what he was seeing.  "You are the prophets? The entities inside the wormhole?"

"We are of Bajor" said Beverly

"Why have you stopped my vessel? " Pica d asked

"Destruction and great tragedy will fall on Bajor" Geordie said

"The Picard must return" added Beverly

"He must not proceed" said Ben Sisko as the two now stood in the ready room

"Captain Sisko!... I read the reports you had joined these entities… what is the purpose of this?" Picard asked growing irritated

"Picard you cannot go to Agies IX… "

"Why not? The Cury and Defiant… lt worf may need our help I cannot abandon them"

"If you go you will bring back great tragedy" Sisko said

"What tragedy what destruction? Ben I need to to tell me what's happening if  something has happened on Agies we got to try to help" Picard said

"You may fail and It is a risk the future uncertain" Sisko said

"But there is a possibility that I could succeed?" Picard responded.

"It is possible" 

"Then I must try!" Picard continued "the sake of two Starfleet crews depend on it. Allow me to continue I shall take all available precautions!".  There was a lingering pause as Sisko gazed at Picard his eyes piercing almost as if he was gazing into Picards soul.  A simple nod from the man and Picard was back on the bridge

"Jean luc?" Beverly asked.  "Are you ok?"

"Perfectly fine Doctor.  Helm report?" Picard said standing up

"Helm responding sir impulse engines have engaged. We are exiting the wormhole now" Ensign Davis spoke

"Very good.  Red alert!" Picard commanded the lights dimming and alarms sounding

"I want full sensor sweeps of the surrounding areas. Ensign set a course for Agies IX maximum warp"

Beverly's concerned furthered as she stood up and took a place next to Picard

"Jean luc you need to tell me what's going on." She asked

"The .. wormhole entities and Captain Sisko spoke to me… they believe something is happening on that planet and what ever it may be will impact the entire alpha quadrant.  Given the reports I've read  these entities exist outside normal space and time.  It's entirely possible they've seen a potential future and one where the Bajoran system has fallen to a tragic incident.  Either way what ever will happen.. agies ix is the source I don't want to take any rissk"

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