Chapter:. what must be done.

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Picard had been in deep thought after the events that had occured and Captain Flemmings outburst. He had taken a seat in the First Officers chair on the bridge considering his next move. He needed to convince the Captain that towing the Enterprise towards the Bajoran Sun was the correct course of action.

Repairs were going slowly and from the chatter around the Bridge and attempts to contact DS9 things were getting grim. The station had nearly lost all power and Evacuations had been stalled due to the outbreak. He could no longer stand by as he stood up

"Ensign" he said as Ops turned to face him

"Yes sir?" She asked

"Open a Channel priority one StarFleet command" he said

"Sir I believe I should wait for Capta..." She began only to be interupted

"Ensign I was not asking. Open the channel now" he said sternly

"Aye sir ... Sorry sir chanel opening... Fleet Admiral Jefferies is answering sir!"

"Jean Luc what the ever loving hell is going on?! We just received a priority zero message from ds9 declaring the Bajoran system Quarantined!. What the HELL IS HAPPENING?" the elder man shouted

"Admiral allow me to explain." Picard said and in the following 20 minuets the Admiral remained silent as Picard explained the situation

"There's no way to contain them then?" The Admiral asked as Fleming stepped out onto the bridge shocked at what he was seeing. "Picard what the fuck? You're going behind my back?!. Lt remove the Captain from my bridge!" Fleming ordered

"Belay that order Lt, and Can it Captain you won't do no such thing let Jean Luc continue" Jefferies interjected.

"As I was saying Admiral. The research done on the Marker from the Professor shows clearly it's a big player in this outbreak however it's not something so easily destroyed. Phasers or torpedos won't work... We need to throw it into a significantly powerful power source and right now that's the Bajoran Sun"

The Admiral remained silent and gave thought to the situation before letting out a deep exhale while leaning into his desk. "Your solution is to destroy the Enterprise by throwing her into a Star? And you're without a doubt absolutely certain that this could end this Infection? " he asked

"100%? No but at this time it seems to be the best option in a moment where time is almost out"

"If you believe it is our best option then I'm going to go for it. Captain Flemming you're ordered to proceed with Picard's plan" Jefferies said

"His half baked plan that we aren't even sure will work?. His insanity has infected this system and nearly destroyed my ship! " Fleming retorted

"I'm giving you a direct order Felix. Toss that shit into the Bajor sun ifit doesn't work then we'll figure something out and cross that bridge when we get there. If your ships to damaged get in communication with the Klingon vessel and have them do it I don't care just get it done!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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