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Rio grande:

"any luck with coms?"

"No Alex and if you ask again I'm going to throw this hypersanner at you. Jesus this runabout picked a perfect time to give out on us. I thought they fixed her last week!".

"It's gotta be faulty eps conduits or something there's no way the entire power grid just gives up on us. I'm surprised DS9 hasn't noticed us missing yet. Hey Jen pass me that coupler will ya" Alex asked

"Well they are preoccupied I saw some of those injuries the Enterprise crew suffered. That's the kida shit you only see in battle something attacked her " Jen answered passing over the tool

"But what? Aside from dead in the water I don't think I saw any external damage so that means she was boarded?" Alex replied

"Boarded by who? Is the question something overwhelmed them and that something scares me. To overwhelm one of the most advanced ships in the fleet? Ugh"

"Well let's just try and least get coms vack on so we can ask to get towed back.. hey... Look" Alex said pointing out the windows

"That's the Thunderchild" Jen said watching the Akira class vessel fly over them approaching the Enterprise.

"Isn't she supposed to be on Patrol near the Cardassian boarder? If she's been recalled stuff must be getting serious" Alex commented.

USS Thunderchild: Main Bridge

"We are now in range Captain" an Ensign commented

"Good, Ops begin scanning and locate Captain Picard " ordered Captain Flemming

"Aye sir scanning. I'm getting alot of sensor interference from the Enterprise sir I can't make heads or tails of it but it's scattering sensors I can't get any solid locks but I believe the Captain may be on deck 15 "replied Ops

"Of course why would this be simple" Fleming sighed. "Bring us in closer and get us along side the Enterprise. I want full security teams to the transporter room. Make this quick get in find JeanLuc and get out" he ordered

Enterprise Deck 15:

The blue glow of the Transporter beam illuminated the darkened corridor depositing 7 members of the Thunderchild crew all in EV suits

One of which had their Tricorder out and began scanning. "Interference is still strong but I'm getting slightly better readings. Main power is completely gone and life supports offline if we're gonna find Captain Picard we better move. Breathable air won't last much longer" they spoke

"Understood. Ok team A, Sanchez, Richards and Felix I want a perimeter set up these creatures are all over the ship phaser rifles to full settings vaporize anything that moves Team B with me let's find the Captain. Move out!"

"Tricorder scans are showing hundreds of life signs everywhere as well as a buildup of unknown organic material that's forming inside the hull I don't understand it."

Thunderchild bridge:

"Status update?" Fleming asked

"They've successfully beamed aboard coms are spotty from what ever interference is aboard the Enterprise but we should be able to compensate" Ops answered

"Keep me updated. What's Ds9s status?" Fleming asked

"The creatures have overrun most of the docking ring and have spread across habitat sections A-F. The Promonade is being kept clear so far " Ops answered

Thunderchild Shuttlebay:

"Let's get tha power generator loaded and see if we can't lend the Rio Grande some assistance. James you're piloting get over there assist and return as soon as you're done"

"Aye sir"

With the shuttle loaded with necessary tools and equipment it took off from the shuttle however James didn't make it far before something impacted the shuttle

"Thunderchild mayday! Somethings hit me losing thruster control returning back" James called over the coms. "Request tractor lock"

The blue beams of the Thunderchilds tractor beam locked on and began pulling in as James looked to the ceiling and the sound of something atop the shuttle. Then a crashing sound

"Warning shuttle hull integrity compromised" the computer spoke

"Oh fuck me"

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