Chapter 18 untitled

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"the Promonade has fallen I'm sorry Colonel we could not contain them! They're in the air vents turbo shafts and everywhere you can think of. The Klingon security force fell they fought well and will be welcomed by Kahless in Sto'vo'Kor." Worf said

"I want security fields around ops now. Tell the evacuation ships to leave the sector once they've confirmed they are safe to do so. We'll be the last to head out" Kira said.  "Status in the Thunderchild have they gotten Captain Picard yet?" She asked

"Thunderchild is showing to have sustained heavy damage the Enterprise is now covered in organic mass " A officer reported

"Of course it is..." Kira mumbled taking a moment to consider their next action however she was snapped into reality by loud sounds outside the ops doorways

An explosion rocked the room as lights fickered and consoles blew out resulting in everyone being thrown to the floor

"REPORT!" Kira ordered

"Power conduit ruptures across the Promonade and lower levels. Reactor level has sustained damage we're losing main power!" Was the response

"Security team A-D have fallen Colonel!"

“computers initiate quarantine protocols.  Lock down all levels and erect level 10 forcefields around the command center. Authorization Kiria Beta 334 Alpha!”.

“Warning primary systems failure. Quarantine protocol has failed. Primary reactor core is at 12% emergency power unavailable”


A distressed Kira Nyres looked at the panicked state of her command center. The pounding on the doors and the monstrous growls from the other side

“Arm yourselves! Take aim and fire at will!. Computer… is there enough power for a communications transmission?”


“Open a system wide communication and direct to StarFleet command. Priority Zero” she asked

“Channel open”

“To all ships. Neighboring systems and to the United Federation of Planets. This is Colonel Kira Nyres speaking on behalf of rhe fallen Bajoran Government. I am installing a level 20 quarantine of the Bajoran system. Ds9 and Bajor have fallen to a unknown form of Alien Infection. …. Stay away at all cost!!!”

Kira turned to face her crew in the darkening room.

"Gentleman and ladies it's been a pleasure" She said unholstering her weapon

"We shall fight to the end" Worf said "today is a good day to die!"

USS Thunderchild Bridge:

"We have hull breaches forward sections decks 2-8 emergency fields holding casualties coming in we have confirmed 24 dead and 36 injured many severe sir!" Ops reported

"I want to know what the fuck that thing was and how it just tore into my ship like paper! Why didn't shields stop it?!" Fleming yelled furiously

"Unknown sir but it seems we harmed it it's retracted into the Enterprise" Ops answered

"I want weapons back online then blow the Enterprise to hell" Fleming ordered

"I have a feeling that won't suffice the Marker responsible for this is still aboard Captain I suggest we." Picard began but was cut off

"Enough JeanLuc none of this shit would have happened if you hadn't brought this plague back. You knew the danger when you saw what they did to the Cury you should have destroyed that ship when you had the chance now this entire sector is falling! A major hub of commerce is now shut down. I've had enough suggestions. Tactical I want you to work with the Klingons on blowing that ship to pieces! Keep us out of range of that creature !" With that Fleming retreated into his Readyroom leaving Picard in a moment of Silence

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