chapter 9: tough decisions

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For now it seemed as though the three creatures had been contained on deck 15. Sensor readings showed they were focused in a empty storage room. Security was posted at each access point to other decks. While on his way to sickbay Picard thought of potential ways to rid the vessel of these monstrosites. He wanted more information on them but right now the threat the posed and the crew members they have already slain proved they needed to be eliminated, venting out the deck worked to rid them of most but it appeared they were capable of surviving without oxygen as Picard had life support cut off from the deck after it was vented and the transporter seemed unable to lock onto their life signs to beam them off. All they could do was contain

Using site to site transporter Picard beamed directly to sick bay and was currently addressing Dr Crushers condition with Doctor Harris and it seemed as though Geordie would recover

"Bridge to Captain Picard?" Came the com

"Picard here" he answered.

"Sir we are in range of the Bajoran transport sir. She's lost all power and it appears her warp core is going critical estimate 10mims till breach we are picking up scattered life signs many are erract and show similar signs to the creatures on deck fifteen"

Picard was now at a impass. Did they assist? If the Bajoran vessel was overrun by those creatures was it even possible to save them? Those cargo vessels had no security personnel aside from two or three Bajoran military personnel they wouldn't stand a chance!.

"I'm on my way Picard out" Picard answered making way for the corrdior. "Doctor keep me up to date on Mr Laforge and If Dr Crushers condition changes" he added before leaving and heading for the turbo lift

On the bridge Picard stepped out "report" he said. "Bajoran vessel isn't answering our hails. They've lost all power and are adrift sensors show massive damage sustained to their engineering section damage is internal I can't get any more details sir but... given these lifesigjs I don't think anyone's left alive over there" Ensign Sato responded

"I have to agree sir the life signs are extremely erract and are identical to what we have seen on deck fifteen and the Cury" came Lt Felicia's opinion

Picard took a breath and sat in his chair as he faced a difficult choice. he couldn't risk sending a team over there nor trying to beam anyone over without risk of bringing any of those creatures over.

"Till we have more information I can't just leave this vessel. Is there anyway we can stabilize it's warp core from here ?" He asked

"Negative sir my readings show the damage is all internal without sending over a engineering team there's no way we can stop it's core from breaching" Sato replied

"Very well.... Lt lock onto the frieghter and prepare to fire quantum torpedos make note in the log we are destroying this vessel to prevent the spread of a dangerous and highly transmissible virus.. Lt fire" closing his eyes he made a silent prayer for the Bajorajs aboard as the flashes of blue light shot forward and impacted the frieghter explosions rippling across her hull as she finally gave in with a final massive explosion.

"Resume course for the wormhole and attempt to hail deep space ni" Picard began only to get interrupted

"Captain sensors picking up a incoming vessel she's on course for the wormhole... I don't understand" Sato said

"What is it Ensign identify the vessel" Picard said. "It's the Cury sir! I she was on course for the Ageis star but now she's heading for the wormhole traveling at Warp 7"

"Ensign plot a intercept course now! Engage warp 9!" Picard ordered "aye sir intercept course plotted and engaged. Estimate time to intercept in 15minuets"

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