Chapter 12: Untitled

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Bajor, Veka Providence

Several Bajorans impulse ships begin landing near the crater created by the crashed Oberth class Cury.

"I want containment of this scene now. I want Teams Alpha And Bravo to approach the wreckage. All other teams form a perimeter look for any escape pods planetary sensors showed two escape pod ejections prior to crashing! They landed not far from this site find them" Commanded Major Re'ka. The ginger haired Bajorans stepod out and surveyed the smoking wreckage of the Cury

"What the hell were they thinking?" Re'Ka asked himself removing a scanning device from his belt and activating it. "not picking up any life signs"

Down at the wreckage of the Cury Re'ka jumped over a gap in rocks and stepped up to the burnt hull of the vessel

"The Upper decks seem intact she hit the mountain top and slid down, the bottom module took the brunt of the impact and is further up the base of the mountain." Reported another Officer

"Any new readings Sgt?" Re'Ka asked" I'm picking up something inside but I can't make heads or tails of it.

"Well let's secure the Area. General Ve'al wants the ship secured till The federation can arrive and assist in recovery efforts. I don't want anyone entering this ship or approaching it without authorization from the General" Re'ka ordered

"Sir! Over here!" Came a voice.

Climbing up on what remained of the Curys saucer Re'ka approached and stood at a open airlock hatch covered in blood. "What the?. Was this hatch already opened?" Re'Ka asked

"Yes sir blood is Human in origin something seems to have clawed it's way out and ripped the hatch open". He pointed across to what remained of the hatch seemingly torn in two

Then there were screams

Deep Space Nine: Infirmary

Doctors and Nurses worked quickly to bring in the Injured Enterprise crewmen being brought aboard. Among them was Geordie and Beverly

Beverly was placed in the ICU while Geordie was already recovering and watching the others get treated. The infirmary doors opened and Colonel Nerys walked in pausing to take in the mess before her

"What the hell?" She muttered

"Colonel. Reports from the crewmen are that the Enterprise is on countdown for self destruction none of the Escape pods contained Captain Picard he's still aboard" spoke Bajoran officer

"Seriously?.. Starfleet Captains really like going down with their ships. Eta on the Enterprise destruction?" She asked

"Approximately 5 minuets" the officer answered

That didn't give them alot of time

"Is the Enterprise far enough away from the station?" She asked

"No sir despite their efforts The Enterprises thrusters failed and she's drifting closer if we divert secondary power to shields we may be ok but the outer docking ring will suffer heavy damage"

"What about tractor beams? Can we push the Enterprise away?" She asked
"Already have ops working on that and reconfiguring the tractor emitters " was the answer given

"What I'd give to have O'Brien right about now.. ok I want statements from the crew. Let's go I also want a runabout to approach the Enterprise find Captain Picard and get him out of there "

Enterprise: Cargo Bay 3

"Computer time till self destruct?" Picard asked approaching the Cargobay doors

Star Trek: Dead SpaceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ