Chapter 5:today is a good day to die

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---Agies IX-----

The U.S.S Defiant laid out in a open field the vessel was still in one piece

On the bridge smoke and blaring alarms filled the air  as Commander Worf stood with a wide grin on his face

"COME FACE ME !" He yelled.  The sft doors to the bridge were banging and starting to buckle from what ever it was outside.

A bright blue flash deposited the Enterprise away team lead by Lt Cmdr Charles Evans

The away team was confused as to the situation but the loud banging put them on alert.   Worf looked towards the team. "Arm yourselves! Prepare to fire when they breach!" He commanded readying his Klingon blade 

There was a lingering pause as the banging seemed to stop and the away team looked among each other with looks of confusion.  Removing his tricorder from it's holder Evans scanned ahead.  "What ever is out there it's turned away moving towards engineering or what's left of engineering...wait.. they have human life signs?!"

Worf sheathed his blade and turned to the away team "what every they are they are no longer human.  The defiant is unsalvageable".  Tapping his combadge worf took a breath

"Worf to Enterprise"... "Mr Worf it is a relief to know you are alive status?" Picard answered, "Captain the defiant is lost with all hands there is nothing left here worth saving.  Sir recommend you arm Torpedos and prepare to fire we cannot allow defiant to potentially fall into Dominion hands. Treaty or no treaty"

Another pause before Picard answered  "sensors show that the defiant is mostly intact Commander, Starfleet could have a recovery team out here in a week to pull her off the surface"

"I do not recommend Sir there is a unknown alien infection on this planet that has effected the crew, Doctor Bashir before he was lost was unsure of how to stop it.  For safety I highly recommend destroying both defiant and the USS Curry"

"Beam aboard Mr Worf I will need more information before I justify destroying two federation starships" Picard answered

"Aye sir. Five to beam up"

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