Chapter13: fall of Bajor

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"colonel incoming priority message from Bajor. General V onscreen"

The Holo screen changed to show a grizzled and bloodied veteran
"NERYES WHAT THE HELL WAS ON THAT SHIP?!" the General bellowed out

Speechless for a moment Kira composed herself before answering "I'm unsure sir. The ship engaged warp before we.." she began before being interrupted

"What ever that ship had... What ever infection it's now spreading! The Veka Providence is now overrun I've lost complete contact with the villages around the crash site as well as my teams!. Reports are now coming in that what ever this infection is it's spreading rapidly and overwhelming the entire providence it's Captial is now under siege. We cannot contain them!" The General spoke before continuing. "I want all data you have on the Cury DRAG IT OUT OF THE ENTERPRISE CREW IF YOU HAVE TO!."

He took a breath and composed himself before continuing. "By order of the Prime Minster and the Council Bajor is now under emergency Quartine. And all military forces are being pulled to contain these monsters. I want that data Colonel and NOW!"

the com ended with the Ops crew speechless and Kira visibly shaking.

"I want Picard found now" she said. "get the Rio grande back over there find him and get him to the station"

There was a shudder as the lights flickered and alarms blared

"We have power conduit ruptures in the outter docking ring docking bay four!. Containment fields failing!"

Kira was quick to approach the Master system display working it's console to bring up readings on that section. "I want all security forces to move in on that section. Seal it off and fire on anything that comes out of it!. I want those containment fields back up asap" she commanded

Ds9: Promonade

Worf was present with several starfleet security personal with phaser rifles.

"These creatures are ruthless and without honor. They will not hesitate so you must not either.  They are no longer human and must be vaporized to ensure they stay down. Just one can take several phaser blast before it goes down. If you need to lower your phaser intensity to conserve energy target their limbs and imobilize them. Do not let them touch you! Understood? Move out " with a unified Yes sir the security teams moved out with Kira joining shortly

"Evacuations are being made I'm moving everyone in that docking ring and the neighboring habitat ring to the other side of the station. These things are purposely targeting power conduits and cutting off power to doors and containment fields" Kira said. "How many of these creatures are here now?"

Worf paused a moment before answering "when the first alert was sounded the docking bay had a crew of 30 Bajorans and starfleet personal as well as 25 civilian crews in the Cargobays next door. 55 in total could potentially have been transformed into those creatures with more possibly unaccounted for" Worf

"I don't want them reaching the Promonade I want heavily armed security at all access points as well as defending All civilians as we prepare to get them off the station. I sent out a message to starfleet for evac ships and assistance. The USS Thunderchild and a Klingon vessel the IKS Rakar have answered and are in route Klingons seem eager for the challenge of fighting these things" Kira said

"As they should. These creatures are formidable opponent's" Worf answered

"Bajor attempting to hail us sir but it's heavily garbled. Veka Has fallen completely and the infection is spreading further into other providences. Bajor is under going emergency evacuation of effected areas.. I lost coms sir" Came a Ensign.

Kiras face was one of complete shock and dismay as she rushed off to one of the lifts

"Try to reach Shakkar get him on coms now!"

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