Chapter 4: USS Cury

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The Enterprise dropped out of warp  the USS Curry still in orbit

"Report" Picard spoke

"The Cury is not answering our hails.  Sensors indicate her primary power is offline.  She's stuck in a sycronous orbit however emergency power won't keep her impulse engines online for long.  Lifesign readings are... inconsistent I can't make heads or tails of it Captain"  Ops spoke

"Any sign of the defiant? Scan the surface perhaps the Currys crew beamed down" Picard said

"Interference is making it difficult to get a clear reading of the surface sir…  sensors have located Defiant.  She's… crashed? Northern continent shes in one piece sir I'm not reading life signs but interference could he masking"

Picard leaned forward in his seat a stern expression

"Dr crusher meet Mr Laforge in transporter room one with a medical team prepare to beam aboard the Curry Mr Laforge take a engineering crew and see if you can restore primary systems"

"Aye sir!" Laforge answered

"Helm put us in orbit above the Defiants cordonates.  Prepare a second away team " he said

--- U.S.S Cury---

Alarms blared and a hazey smoke filled the bridge as alarms sounded

" Warning, danger by order of Starfleet Command this vessel is under Quarantine do not board" a automated voice echoed 

A blue glow shined across the bridge as transporter beams deposited Dr, Crusher Laforge and 4 crew members. Two medical and two engineering

Shining their lights what they saw horrified them.   Blood everywhere walls torn to shreds chaies and consoles tossed about. Bulkheads exposed

"Warning Emergency Medical Quarantine in effect" the computer repeated

"Geordie! " Crusher gasped as her medics reacted quickly. They dispensed personal facial resperstors to the others as they placed them on

"Doctor are we breathing in anything dangerous?" Geordie asked hesitantly

Crusher was opening her tricorder and scanning their environment her eyes filled with a puzzling look.  "I'm not picking up any known pathogens or airborne viruses. " She said. "I believe the air is safe however I recommend we take all necessary precautions and keep the resperstors on" 

Taking steps towards the center of the bridge Beverly stopped by the command chair and the, rather devistated remains of a Starfleet officer. A quick scan and a sigh. " This was Captain Venison" she said. "tricorder scans show hes suffered extensive trauma ,death was most likely instanr"

"Instant? Doctor It looks as though somerjing just tore him apart. This is looking less like a good idea I'm going to ask the Enterprise to send over a security team" Geordie said readying to tap at his badge

"No!.  The ship is still in quartine mode.. normally the shields would have been up and the com system brodcasting but till I learn of why the Quartine is in place I cannot risk bringing any one else over" Beverly replied

"Geordie see if you can restore main power"

LaForge sighed as he took a look around. "given the state of things in here I'm going to have to go to Engineering if I'm going to have any hope of getting power on.  Gomez and Fredrickson let's go… first let's find the emergency weapons locker I want everyone armed" geordie continued approaching the rear of the bridge and opened a compartment distributing phasers to his team

"Doctor let's keep a open com from here out" Geordie said

"Agreed I'll remain here and see if I can't access the ships medical logs" Beverly spoke taking a seat at a aft computer terminal

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