Chapter 14: bold decisions

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"I suggest Captain we leave the Enterprise as soon as possible. It won't be long till that maker begins to mess with our minds" The professor spoke staying close to Picard as the pair moved through the pitch dark corridors with nothing but a wrist light and the sound of distant roars

"With power systems completely down professor I think we are a bit trapped at the moment. My last reading showed the closest available escape pod three decks above us. Not to mention these creatures are everywhere right now. I hope deep space nine has noticed by now the Enterprise failed to self destruct and are dispatching a team to evacuate us till then we need to find a adequate space to wait. Sickbay should be right above us if we can reach it. Starfleet recently updated it's backup power systems installed in the event something catastrophic like this power failure occured so medical systems can continue to function I can use that power to seal us in behind a force field till help arrives." Picard said

"Jolly good that sounds like a plan how do we get there?" He asked

"Jeffery's tube access with hope otherwise we can attempt to open oneof the turbolifts and accend through the turboshaft. " Picard said before coming to a stop and pressing ahand against the professor

The sickening sound of tearing flesh echoed through the empty corridor as Picard cautiously peaked around the corner to find two of the creatures tearing into the deceased body of a crew member

"Unfortunate. Jeffery's tube access is beyond that creature... Turbolift it would be. This way" Picard said

Taking a different route the pair arrived at the door as Picard handed the professor his phaser. "I hope you know how to fire one of these" he said as he opened a panel beside the door and removed a manual open device attaching it to the door

"Good sir I'm a scientist not a soldier!... But yes I think I can manage"

Sliding open the door Picard was started and fell back with a loud Yelp as one of the creatures let out a horrific roar and lunged. Out of the turbolift. It's sharp bone like appendages swung driving into Picard's leg earning a yell of pain from the Captain

The professor hesitated but took aim soon and Fired hitting the Creature in the chest forcing it back. It roared again and lunged at the professor whom fired once more to no effect
"oh not like this!" The Professor gasped as Picard looked in horror as the creature drove it's appendages through the man's chest

"Professor!" Picard exclaimed quicky moving to grab the dropped phaser. Quickly adjusting it's settings he fired vaporizing the creature . Hernedez fell gasping and choking as blood pooled from his mouth

"C.. Captain.. I'm afraid...I wasn't your weapon" he choked out.

"Don't let my research... Be evil as this Marker has's.." he trailed off as his body went limp

The distant roaring of other creatures now alerted to Picard's presence pushed the Captain to abandon the professor as much as he would not want to. Moving into the Turbolift he had to move fast, with effort he climbed and pushed up on the upper hatch with the roars getting louder and louder. Pulling himself up he gasped as one of the creatures bolted into the Turbolift smashing into it's walls. They screamed and frantically flailed their limbs about trying to reach the Captain.

Deep space nine:

"Habitat ring section C is over run containment fields have collapsed fall back and regroup!" Worf commanded "redouble your efforts keep the Promonade clear it may very well become our last stand!."

Up in Ops Kira sat at the desk after a brief conversation with Shakkar. Bajor was in a panic with several providences now overrun and thousands dead and injured. Her soul felt like it was being stabbed her home was dying and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it!

Stepping out into Ops the lights were flickering

"We have multiple power failures across the docking ring and habitat rings. Security team A through B have fallen they're regrouping in the Promonade" an officer reported.

"Status on evacuation?" She asked

"With the rate these creatures are spreading Colonel Evacuations are on Hold. USS Thunderchild and the Klingon vessel have arrived they're having to beam civilians over the docking ports are no longer safe. Klingon vessel has dispatched four teams of Klingons to assist our security teams but they're not having much success in holding back"

Kira took in a breath before asking the question that's been in her mind

"Does anyone have any idea how the hell this started?!" She asked

"According to reports... The Marker the Cury excavated off Aegis 7 might be." Answered an officer

"And where is this damn thing?" She asked. "Still aboard the Enterprise" was the answer

"Ok that's it. Prepare to Lock all weapons on the Enterprise and target her warp core if we destroy that Marker maybe this will end!" She said
"Or it'll make it worse" Said Geordie stepping from a lift. "Colonel we have no idea how that Marker works or what effect it may have simply destroying it may not be the answer we need it till we're certain destroying it is the answer" he continued

"Well I can't just do Nothing commander my station is being overrun and so is my Planet! What the hell do you suggest?!" She asked

"Have the Thunder child move to beam it aboard have them seal it in a containment field and hopefully Captain Picard will have more answers. I was told he went to find Professor Hernedez who was researching it"

Turning to face the MSD table Kira slammed her fist down in frustration

"Contact the Thunder child tell them to look for that damn thing "

What was taking the Rio Grande so long?

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