Cooking with Chang'e

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Jiang let out a yawn as she stared into the flames of the campfire. Sandy had found a perfect place to spend the night, and now, everyone was gathered around the campfire. Well, except Mo and Sandy, who were both knocked out in the van.

She felt tired, and a little strange. It had been a couple days since the, immortality incident, and honestly, it was weird, knowing that she was going to live forever, and that nothing could kill her. Her train of thought was interrupted, and she turned around as MK spoke.

"Okay, whoever made this needs a lesson in how to draw good. Jiang, maybe you could do that" he said. "Sure! Just invent a time machine and send me back in time" Jiang said as she huffed with laughter. "Okay, one, judgy much? And two, what do you mean?" Tang asked as Jiang stood up to check out the map to see what MK was talking about.

"None of these landmarks look like anything! Okay, debatebly, where we got the first ring looks like DBK's fortress. And this beautifully rendered mountain range looks like some sort of lantern city. But, tell me, what the brick is this supposed to be?!" He said as he pointed at each of the three locations. The last one was up in the sky. "That, kinda looks like the moon" Jiang said as she took a closer look.

Suddenly, Pigsy shushed them. "Would you guys shush?!" He snapped before looking back at the TV that was in front of him. Jiang had no idea how it was even working with how far out they were.

But, anyhow, Pigsy's favorite cooking show, Cooking With Chang'e, came on. Jiang rolled her eyes in amusement as he repeated her catchphrase, "Cooking is life. And life is cooking". "Huh. Not gonna lie, shes, younger, than I thought she'd be" Mei said.

"Hang on. You guys see that too, right?" Jiang asked as she spotted something familiar. "MK, get me the ring that Tang's got!" She called. MK did so, and held it up beside the TV.

"Oh, my gods" she said. "Guys, look! It's one of the rings!" MK cried. "The second Ring of Samadhi is in Chang'es kitchen?" Pigsy asked.

"Do you know what this means?! We. Are going-" Tang cried. "The celestial realm!" MK blurted out. Everyone gave him deadpan looks.

"The moon. MK. We're going, to the moon" Jiang told him, exasperated. "In space?! We're really going to go to space this time?!" MK cried as Pigsy began to run around in a panic, collecting and packing anything of use. "Oh, I can't believe it! We're going to Chang'es kitchen!" He cried.

"To the moon!" He and MK chorused. Pigsy darted off again, and Mei came over. "Hey, so, MK, I know your big brain boy and all now, but, uh, how exactly, are we supposed to get to the moon?" She asked.

"In a rocket" Wukong's voice drifted over to them. "Huh?" Mei and MK chorused. "Yeah, just, use your powers. Build a rocket out of the van and we'll just, fly up there, whoosh" Wukong said as he used a chip to mimick the rocket while making whooshing noises.

Jiang couldn't help but smile at the childishness, and shook her head. "Oh, you mean the powers me and Jiang don't have anymore?" MK asked. "Aw, come on bud. Believe in yourself. Look, even I believe in you" Wukong said.

MK looked over at Jiang, who simply crossed her arms. "As your older sister, I am required to believe in you. It says so in the book of Being an Older Sibling" she said. "You got your gold vision back cause you needed it to save your friends! Now, you need to get to the moon, so, chop chop! Don't think, just, feel it" Wukong told MK.

The boy turned around and focused. And then, the van began to float as it glowed. Then, much to everyone's surprise, the entire thing shrunk.

"Um, wasn't, Sandy, still in there?" Jiang asked. MK looked rather frustrated, but, Wukong didn't let that stay for long. "Ah. Don't worry about it bud. I still believe in you. Maybe you just need a stronger motivator. Here let me handle this one" the demon Monkey said before he held his hand out.

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