poor you.

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silver pov 🥄

I had been sitting in Bed for hours, and yet test tube hadn't come to check on me. Perhaps candle forgot me ... i got up from the Makeshift Bed and looked for candle, yet she was nowhere to be found.  Maybe she was making  that...thing I saw in my dream... I walked back to the pic-nix table, to see if my team was there, I saw  Paintbrush talking to oj. I walked up to them
"Uh- excuse me, but do you two know where candle went?"
"Of course you're looking for her. Anyways, shes talking to test tube, said it was important."
It was a peculiar situation, had she been talking to test tube for hours, or was my mind just playing tricks on me? My head felt light, and my legs felt weak, my mouth was burning, and I felt like I was constantly having a cramp, not to mention the overwhelming urge to vomit.. so I went back to her bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Candle stood in front of paintbrush

"You need to do this, for the team. Think about it, you are one of the strongest people I know, and if you are the first to ascend I know others will follow in your footsteps."

"Candle, I'm not sure about this."

Candle stepped closer to paintbrush, who was growing uneasy
"Hey, fucker I said I wasn't-"

Candle snapped and slapped paintbrush.
They started crying.
"I'm not.. I don't want to die, please."

Candle knelt down and pulled paintbrush into a hug

"Shhhh, you won't die, I'm sorry for scaring you.."
She pulled something from behind her.
"Thank yo-"
Candle plunged the knife into paintbrushes back. They tried to yell at her, but all they did was spray their crimson blood on her face, before they collapsed backwards.
She turned towards me, with a soulless glare, and she started to walk towards me, with that same, bloody knife.

She turned towards me, with a soulless glare, and she started to walk towards me, with that same, bloody knife

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She put her hand up to my face, and roughly tilted it to look at her.
"Oh silver, poor poor silver.. where's his team? Oh wait."

A grin grew on her face once she saw the tears in my eyes. She put the knife, dripping in blood, against my neck.
"My oh my, how I'm going to miss you..."
I felt a sharp sting in my neck and I felt my head fall back. I looked at candle, she picked up my lifeless body and.. did some sort of waltz with it? Music from a piano was playing, I think it was Howels moving castle, if I'm not mistaken. I felt light headed, and I shut my eyes, resting once more.
.. SILVER!..

I opened my eyes to see candle and test tube next to me

"Finally! Golly, if it wasn't for your pulse, (and the fact I could tell you were in REM sleep) you'd be pronounced dead!"

My stomach churned
"Ughh.. why are you like this..."

"OK, well I'm ignoring that, how do you feel?"

"My stomach hurts, my mouth is burning, and i need to throw up. I feel like shit."

"I wouldn't normally think this right away, but have you drank any tea lately? Or eaten a salad?"

"Tea? Of course, someone gave me some from the pic-nix table"

"I think you ingested a flower that's been growing here, it's called Hygrophila difformis."

"UH excuse me, English?"

"Wisteria. Luckily, it's not fatal, you will be pretty sick though."

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