a deal

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Silver pov 🥄

As I hiked up the volcano, I felt a pit of dread in my gut. I don't know why, but the thought of me and her up there.. what if I fell in?

Would she save me, or would she let me melt down, while all I could do would be scream while i felt my life be drained from my body.. too gruesome, I tried to switch my thoughts

Eventually I reached the top, seeing candle dangling her legs along the inside of the volcano

"So... What's the plan candle?"
I asked nervously
She got up from her spot and walked towards me slowly.

"You'll be meeting bow over at the beach, during the sunset of course, interview her, if she tries to harm you in any way.."

Candle pulled a knife, with a sheath on it out from behind her

"You'll have to defend yourself.  If anything unexpected happens afterwards, run and get me. I'll be talking to our team."
She looked at me as I took the knife from her hands
Somehow, she sensed that I was uncomfortable.

"Sit down with me"

She grabbed my hand and sat, basically making me sit too.

"Do you know why I asked you to come here specifically?"
She said in her same syrupy, hypnotizing voice.
I, of course, shook my head.

"When we first got put on this island, i explored everything, but the volcano, I saved that for last, I was afraid of coming up here, I thought I would melt."

The thought of someone like her being afraid was honestly strange.

"but when I got up here, I felt myself being called closer and closer to the middle, so naturally, I inched closer. Eventually, I ended up on the very edge, looking down into the lava and watching wax drip from me."

"A strong gust of wind pushed me in. Just as I was about to hit the ground, I started flying."

I looked at her in disbelief

"You don't believe me huh."
She walked towards the edge and jumped in.
All the sudden she shot up from inside, and levitated above the volcano..
I couldn't believe my eyes

She flew down beside me, and my heartbeat finally slowed back down.

"So,this place is of  upmost importance." I said, trying to keep up my rich facade.

"Just like your mission"

"Candle.. I'm not- what do I even ask?"

"Ask her about Mephone, pretty sure a chair was near the scene, ask about that."

"It's a deal."

I held out my hand for a shake, and she grabbed it back, but she didn't let go. She walked me back to the pic nix table.

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