good riddance

273 10 3

Silver spoon pov 🥄

The floor had been missing for two days, and I have surprisingly been getting better. The only downside is that now I can't sleep in candles bed. Without Mephone, everyone has been a bit on edge. We were all stuck on this island, with no escape. At least the pic nix table works, so there's no worries about starving.
I felt someone tap on my shoulder

"Care to join us in our meditation?"

My mind had honestly been way too clouded to really hear what she was saying, but I obviously didn't want to seem rude.

"Sure, hold on."

I stretched out my arms and then followed candle to wherever we were going. We both walked into a lush green forest filled with dense trees, my teammates were in almost a complete circle.

"So what are we meditating about in the first place?"

"Someone has noticed that one of our teammates have gone missing, so we must all band together and think about where he could possibly have gone."

"Oh, the floor?"
Candle grabbed my hand, and sat me down in the circle.

"If everyone would please close their eyes, we may get this started."
Everyone promptly closed their eyes.

"Now, take a few deep breaths. Think with me, where could the floor be?
"Well, I have an idea, but hopefully it isn't right." I said

"What is it silver?"

We all went to where my dream took place, and I felt the air around me grow stale. The stench of a dead body wafting over from the rug. I wouldn't be caught dead touching that.
I pointed to the rug, and paintbrush looked at me, confused. When they got it, they lifted up the rug to reveal the floor. Just laying there.

"Oh. I see. I was correct."

"My.. this is very unfortunate. It seems we'll need to plan a funeral for our diseased friend."
Candle put on a facade of sympathy, and sadness. But I obviously knew it was fake, it made my blood boil that she would do such a thing. But if she found out I knew, I'd be a goner.

Oj spoke up
"I can do it! As a hotel manager, I'm great at planning events after all."

"Oh, that would be excellent, thank you oj."

I walked away from oj and candle, to talk to cabby.

"So... You're telling me. She KILLED the floor?" Cabby nearly shouted from her own shock

"YES, and I don't know what to do. she can't find out."


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