a command

198 8 3

Silver pov 🥄

The sun started to set over the horizon, and as the sky got dimmer, my anxiety grew. I was supposed to interview bow about the recent murders. I walked to where our confrontation was to take place.
I messed with the knife I had, trying to keep my mind off of what could go down.

There I saw her , sitting on a rock and scratching at her head.

"Bow, I have a few questions, if you don't mind."

"Oh, sure thing! Not sure if I'll have a good answer though-"

"Actually, what if we just talked first, just to make this less awkward"

"Ok, well I need some advice. test tube has been acting weird to me, especially when I mention wanting to get cabbys file on me. She's hiding something about me. How am I meant to confront her?"

"Maybe.. she's not hiding anything, what if she just doesn't want to talk to you, or maybe she's nervous because she thinks you don't like her. But if you're so sure I can probably get a file from cabby for you."


"Of course!"

"Ok, well I know this is all leading up to the questions but.. thanks for talking with me"

"It's no problem, pink one. Now, question time."

Bow looked at me to process what I was saying

"Goo says you've been acting strange, can you tell me why?"

"Well, people keep saying I'm dead, of course I'm going to act a bit weird, y'know?"

"Mhm. Opinions on Mephone?"

"He was weird, and for some odd reason afraid of me. I didn't care much for him until he died"

"I've been told you used to have an obsession with chairs, is that true"

"... I don't.. what?"

"Bow, do I need to repeat myself?"

"No, i- just stop"

"Sorry, I'll move on. There was a chair found near Mephones body. Did you have anything to do with that?"

Bows eye twitched and she stayed eerily silent


Her twitching grew


Whirrs similar to a computer were heard from her


I was tacked by bow, her cold almost metal like hands started to punch and dent me.
I unsheathed my knife and plunge it into her head.


I repetitively stabbed her in a desperate manner and I eventually get past a layer of metal. I drag my knife down hearing her glitchy screaming mix with the creaking of her metal being torn as some sort of cooling liquid splashed out of her.

That's when it hit me. Get rid of the liquid. Overheat her.

I stabbed again, deep as I could, and I kept doing it. Hearing her fans grow obnoxiously loud. All I could hear was her. All of a sudden the whirring of her cooling system stopped and she froze.
The blue cooling liquid dropped from her lifeless body.

I just killed her.
I feel... Why don't I feel bad?

I walked over to candle, covered in bows 'blood' and she didn't even bother to look at me, she just walked over to the beach.

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