heaven knows

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Silver spoon pov 🥄

My eyes opened, and I was hugging the same calming girl.
I heard wheels squeaking behind me. I quickly turned my head towards the sound, and found out, it was cabby. She rolled towards us.
That's when I felt candle pry herself from my arms and lead cabby off. I didn't follow. I just started to cry as a heard the screams of my dear friend.

My eyes snapped open and I was nearly in tears by now.
My head was in candles lap, as she massaged my hands.
She looked down at me
"Are you alright?"

"Oh- yes, sorry I'm just a bit worried about some things."

"What are they, if you don't mind telling."

"Well... I think I might like someone, a lot. But sh- they aren't a good person."

"Hmm.. well. Who knows what'll happen, maybe they'll change. Who is it?"

"If I told you I might die"

Candle laughed it off, not realizing I was serious
"A bit dramatic as always silver, but you don't have to tell me."

My heart sunk in my chest
'how could someone so lovely do such a thing'
I sat up and looked at her
"So, what's on the agenda for us thinkers today?"

Candle looked surprised for a second
"You actually want to help? Well... Me and the others were going to make a stage so we can have a show!"

We both got up and headed to the place we used to compete in challenges at, and saw the most impeccable display of teamwork.
Goo and bow would both go get would, whilst cheering on the others. Test tube was calculating measurements for everything on the stage, while fan zoomed about the stage talking about how amazing it would be if spoiled lemon could play there.
Blueberry was .. uh.  Lifering and tk were bringing snacks. Nickel was hammering nails, while making balloon keep distance because of splinters. Yin yang was drinking some Dr fizz onstage, insisting that it's helping test if it could hold people.
I looked to candle and asked her what I could do.
"I have something perfect for you."

She took me  deep into the forest, where long leaves were sprawled out on the ground.

"I'm going to need you to gather as many leaves possible, and when you get back we'll weave curtains!"

Usually I wouldn't even think of doing such a thing. But I needed her trust. I started gathering leaves.

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