a favor

200 6 4

Silver pov 🥄

You have to
I shot awake from another one of my night terrors and I looked around for my 'dearest friend' candle, this time she was actually nearby, and talking to yin-yang .
I walked over and-
"Oh, silver thank goodness you're up! Could you do me a favor?"
Candle inquired
... I can't-
"Of course"
I couldn't deny her. I need her trust.
I need her to like me.
I need her.

"Well, goo said that bow was acting.. weird. I think that she may be the killer, but I need a bit more information."

"Why me?"

"Goo probably wouldn't be honest, and while yang is ok with lying to bow, yin isn't. You're the only one I can trust with this task."
Her tone was serious and almost rushed.

I nodded.
"Okay, meet me at the volcanos peak, we need to plan in private."

I didn't want to go, why would I?

I know what she's done. I know that she killed those innocent people, and yet something about her seems so... Redeemable.

Like if maybe I could just reach that part of her, and make it stand out more, she would feel a shredder of remorse for what she had done.

"Okay, I'll meet you when everybody gets breakfast."
My brain begged and pleaded me to just deny her, just to say 'no'
I couldn't. Why couldn't I.

Maybe she would push me in.

I walked off, not having gotten a meal, or even my usual iced coffee with a quarter tablespoon of vanilla served on a platter.
Though now I've been asking for a bit of pumpkin spice on it, just for the beauty of it.

I eventually reached the same place I had met paintbrush the day before they passed.
Even if I hadn't murdered them, I have the burden of knowing, If I just hadn't told them. They could've lived long enough for her to get her own karma.

I sit on a tipped over log, letting all the victims pass through my head

The floor
Fuck, I think she may have even tried to kill ME. Maybe if I would have just died, maybe then she would've stopped. It's not like anyone would've noticed, or cared. After all, all I've been seen as is a preppy snobby jerk .

Why'd goo get suspicious of bow?
What if, and I know it seems impossible, but maybe.
Maybe it was bow.
after all, she was the one accusing candle in the first place.

I started hearing voices gather up around the pic nix table, and decided to start heading towards the volcano.

•people of the flame•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora