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Silver spoon pov

I was instructed to stay in bed and take it easy, since I couldn't really help without nearly passing out... Candles been letting me sleep in her bed, and I've grown to like the sweet lavender scent and the way she would check on me, it was kinda sweet..
Even though candle was still sweet and calm, I had dreams where she had snapped at my team... Im sure it doesn't mean anything though.. i got bored, so I decided to go for a walk. I leaned against anything I could find, trying to keep my balance. Soon I heard people talking

"I don't think I can get you that. Look, I'm sure you mean well, but you're kinda scary."

I heard a splash, followed by a zap.
Was that... Mephone?
I peaked from behind the tree, and saw someone running away from Mephones' body, he was one million percent dead.
I stumbled to try and go tell my team, but I kept losing my footing, I had bruises and scratches all over by the time I found my team.
"Oh- silver?" Candle sounded confused and surprised, but she still rushed to my aid. Candle sat me down on the pic nix table.
"What happened?"
Candle grabbed my face and looked at the scratches and bruises, which caused my face to heat up for some reason-
I regained my sophisticated demeanor
"Well, I was on a walk, and then I heard Mephone get pushed into water. So... Recovery isn't..  and I rushed here, but I couldn't go straight."

"Oh.. well. we should tell the others, silver please stay here"

"Alright, I'm tired anyway."
Everyone walked off, leaving me at the- wait.. where was the floor?
He can't be too far away, maybe I'll look for the nuisance later.

I set my head down on the table, and soon fell asleep


Candle sat in front of the floor

"I know you're worried about him, but i think he'll be ok.. do you want any sugar with your tea?"

"Well that's sudden, but sure!"

Candle stirred the 'sugar' into the tea and helped the floor drink it

"How do you feel?"

"Why was it so.. bitter.."
He coughed
"Oh, that would be the cyanide."
"The WH-"
he started coughing violently, even coughing up a lot of blood in the process
"Shhhh." Candle fake soothed him
He started to cry as his coughing grew more violent

Something came out of his throat
And he stopped.  Not only did he stop coughing, he stopped everything.  I looked at what he had coughed up, and my heart sunk.
I couldn't really tell what it was, but I assumed it was part of him. Something important too.
Now all that was left of him was an organ piece, covered in thick, crimson blood.
Candle got up from her spot and got some sort of outdoor rug, and put it over him.

•people of the flame•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant