38. Let Them Wonder

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38. Let Them Wonder
Operation make Ashar love Annie is on!

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"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

Both of us sat in the darkness.

For the first time in my life, a guy I had taken interest in told me he was leaving me. Normally, it was me who backed out before things could get anywhere. I almost felt a part of me collapse as this information processed throughout my body.

Now, the heartbreak songs seemed legitimate.

To say I was shocked would've been an understatement. I had no gist of what my mother or my fake husband had been cooking right under my nose!

Ashar was also taken aback by the fact that it was my first hearing about the contract being terminated.

"I assumed your mom must've told you," he said. "That's why I took you to her with me, so you knew I'd be coming to India. We'd take care of the contract later."

"Ashar," I said keeping my emotions controlled, "when you went to talk to her, she agreed to terminate the contract?"

"Yes," he answered. "But she said to wait two or three weeks. Then, this trip came up. By the time we get back, the divorce papers should be ready."

I was crushed by his words.

In fact, a long silence fell between us as the only sound that came was from the forgotten lizard roaming around.

"I thought you'd be thrilled hearing this," he said breaking the silence.

"Hmm . . . Goodnight, Ashar."

I went under the covers and turned so my back was facing him. It took a few seconds before he also laid back down.

My mind was entirely baffled by Ashar and mom's plans. I spent the whole night waiting for sleep to arrive. It never did.

The following morning, I got ready rather early.

Surprisingly, Jhanvi was already downstairs having tea with Ashar's stepmother in the living room. Her morning sickness was still in the game or she wanted to avoid Sunny?

"Annie?" Jhanvi asked in surprise. "It's six in the morning."

"Not in the time zone I'm from," I said lightly.

"Have a seat," the elder woman told me. "I'll make some chai for you."

"I'm—yes, thank you," I said, taking a u-turn. It was better if she left, so I could talk to Jhanvi. Ashar's stepmom hurried to the kitchen to make more chai. I took a seat next to my cousin on the sofa. "I have some breaking news."

"What happened now?" she asked. The cup that was raised to her lips froze. "Did my dad and auntie find out we're in India?"

I shook my head and in a hushed tone, I quickly informed her of what happened last night. The cup in her hands went back on the table as she had her hands covering her mouth.

"Are you gonna be sick?" I asked concerned.

"No!" she said putting her hands down. "I can't believe it."

"I want to go home," I whispered. "He has no interest in me. That's why he forgave me easily and he has been acting kinder. He thinks it's one month left with me and then, he'll be free."

"Oh, Annie—"

"I'm fine," I said decisively. "I'm perfectly fine. It is what it is. I'm going to work in Hollywood. I can find any actor or model better looking than him."

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