40. You

180 21 17

40. You
The reality was surreal

* * *

The whole car ride I explained over and over again how it was the rocks that attacked us. But it appeared Jhanvi didn't trip over a rock. She had collapsed because of weakness.

I refused to leave Jhanvi's side when we entered the hospital. Color had returned to her face and she was able to walk without any help.

"I'll go in myself," Jhanvi told me when the nurse came to tend to her. "You need a doctor too."

"I'm fine," I said firmly. "I'm not leaving you alone."

She tried protesting but I shook my head. Sunny and Ashar weren't thrilled by our behavior, but we paid them no heed.

Jhanvi held my hand and took me into the hospital room with her when the doctor asked her to come in. Thankfully, the guys stayed outside.

My cousin had recovered enough to tell the doctor she was fifteen weeks pregnant. The doctor checked a few things before asking the nurse to take a blood sample. Then, she did an ultrasound and I saw a beautiful smile on Jhanvi's face.

"That's my nephew," I whispered to her in awe. Jhanvi chuckled.

"The baby's fine," the doctor announced smiling. She was a smart looking woman in her fifties. Her grey hair was held in a tight bun.

We were in the room for what seemed like ages. Low blood pressure and lack of food Jhanvi was actually consuming had caused her weakness.

It was worse when Jhanvi's weight was checked. She told us truthfully that she was down three pounds from her last checkup.

The doctor instructed Jhanvi to make sure she was getting all her nutrients. She prescribed medication and multivitamins for her. The blood test results were going to take time, so we provided Jhanvi's phone number for contact.

I got a sonogram photo of the tiny baby and shoved it in my jacket pocket.

When we finally stepped out of the room, Sunny, Ashar, and their baba rushed to us.

"It's weakness," I announced. "She's not eating properly nor is she hydrated. Low blood pressure. We have to wait for the blood test results."

"Maybe it's time to stop dieting," Sunny said frustrated. "You don't take care of yourself at all."

"Who's fault is that?" I shot back him.

Sunny pursed his lips looking at Jhanvi then me. Jhanvi clutched my arm like her life depended on it. It made me want to protect her more.

"I'm glad it's nothing serious," baba said. "Thank God for keeping you girls protected."

"I'm glad you're better," Ashar said sincerely to my cousin. Then, he turned to me. "Ano, come with me. Baba, please take care of Jhanvi bhabhi. We have to get Anmol's wound cleaned and dressed."

"All I need is a band aid," I told him. The blood had coagulated without causing any other pain.

"I'd like to hear that from a doctor," Ashar said obstinate.

Sunny and Baba had a bag of drinks sitting on the seats behind them. They helped Jhanvi take a seat before offering her water and juice.

Ashar dragged me to a nurse who helped take care of my wound. She informed him I didn't need any stitches fortunately.

I gave Ashar a look of triumph after she finished and left.

"Told you I needed a band aid," I said, getting up to go.

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