Chapter 2: Friends

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The entire time I walked to meet Quinn for lunch, I thought about Lauren. I don't know why but I did. The entire 4 block walk to our usual meeting spot Lauren was all I could think of. Once I reached the steps in front of an antique shop that Quinn would drag me in more often than I cared for, I pulled out my phone and saw I was right on time. After I put my phone back in my purse, my mind drifted back to Lauren, the way she kept biting her bottom lip out of frustration, the way she cocked her head to the side out of confusion, I counted 23 freckles on her face that all seemed to dance when she laughed. She is so damn cute. Why is this weird woman, who was walking an obese cat on a leash, yes, a leash, why is she consuming my thoughts. I'm supposed to be pissed off today, yet every time I picture her.... I smile. She somehow lifted my mood and gave it a complete 180. A complete stranger, no wait she said we are friends now because we know each other's name, and I met her cat. So, my stranger friend lifted my mood.

I start to smile and blush slightly until this homeless man jumps out at me and scares the shit out of me. I reach in my pocket and throw a $5 at him, and instantly regret it. I don't have a fuckin job anymore! I could be just like the homeless man in a few weeks. I wonder if he needs a neighbor or even a roommate in his cardboard box.

"Cabello!" Quinn screams out at me while snapping her fingers in front of my face, jolting me from my self-loathing homeless daydream, or nightmare I should say.

"What?" I hissed at her.

"Whoa.... got the Monday morning bitchies today huh?" Quinn states with a smirk.

"I got fired today." I mumble out softly.

"Shit" Quinn says quickly as her eyes widen and she hugs me. "Are you serious?"

I feel a tear form in my eye, but I refuse to cry, not in public at least. I hug her back tightly and sigh. Quinn has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, we went to kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school together. When I suggested we move to New York to get out of Lima after high school, she applied to every college in New York so I wouldn't have to move alone. We've been through hell and back together. As much as we fight with one another and cuss each other out, a simple hug from Quinn when I'm having a shitty day brings out the water works. She's the only one I let my tough guard down for.

"Come on, let's go to lunch and talk." She whispers in my ear before letting me go.

I nod as she links arms with me, and we begin walking to a small Italian restaurant up the street. "I can treat today."

"I don't want your pity, Quinn." I snap.

Quinn rolls her eyes and sighs loudly. "Just let me pay for lunch, ok?" "Fine, I'm getting a glass of wine, just so you know." I informed her.

"I will buy you a bottle today if you want." She replies while nudging me.

We get to the restaurant and are seated in a booth in the back. After we order and the waiter brings out a basket of bread, and my glass of wine, Quinn finally breaks her silence.

"So, are you ok?" She asks while slowly buttering some bread.

I shrug. "I don't know what I'm going to do for money...I've done pretty good at saving but living in New York isn't cheap." I state while taking a long sip of my wine.

"Well, you know I can help you out with money." Quinn whispers. "Not like charity, but if you need money for gas or rent or anything, just ask, ok?"

I nod while sighing. "Thanks, hopefully I don't get to that point."

She reaches out and grabs my hand and squeezes it before sliding the breadbasket towards me. "Eat, don't just chug wine." She says with a smile. "I have to go back to work, and I can't answer the phone if you start getting drunk dialing me."

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