Chapter 15: Blizzard Part One

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I barely slept last night; I was so pumped up on excitement from the dinner party, the email orders that kept my phone flashing all night, and the money that Quinn gave me that I literally just laid in bed in night. I've been staring at Lo for the past 2 hours wondering how I got so lucky. She's beautiful, she's caring, she's just perfect; well perfect for me. I've counted the number of freckles on her face 5 times already, I wanted to be sure I didn't miss any the first 4 times I counted, I guess. The sliver of moonlight that was seeping through my window gives her skin such a glow that she looks like an angel right now. Her silky burnette hair is covering half of her face, I keep moving it gently, but it keeps falling back to its original position. I lean forward and kiss her softly, which causes her to smile in her sleep and my heart to flutter.

I reach over and grab the remote and turn on the TV, quickly muting it so it doesn't wake Lo up. I turn to the morning news and see it's supposed to snow all day and accumulate up to almost a foot. I quickly rack my head to make sure we have everything we need. I know Lauren went grocery shopping the other day, but I like to be sure, part of my obsessive nature, I guess. I start plan out some meals for us in my head, when I feel Lauren move closer to me and rest her head on my chest.

"What's wrong Camzi? Why are you awake?" She asks sleepily as she slightly opens her eyes and looks up at me. "I'm fine baby, go back to sleep. I'm just watching the news." I say softly while rubbing her back and kissing her on the forehead. Lauren lifts her head and smiles sleepily at me before she leans forward and presses our lips together briefly. She then lies back down on my chest and wraps her arms around my waist and exhales slowly as she falls back asleep. I wrap my arms around Lauren and simple hold her as her soft breaths hitting my collarbone relax me in a way that only her presence can. I lay enjoying the warmth of Lauren's body on mine while I watch the rest of the news in silence. I know it's weird, but the New York news is kind of depressing with all the crime, so I don't feel like I really missed anything too pressing. I did however notice that ice skating opened up at Central Park, and I make a mental note to take Lo ice skating sometime this week for a date.

After lying for another 30 minutes, I gently move Lo off of me and slide out of bed. I go to the bathroom and get dressed, I didn't want to turn on the light and wake her; after brushing my teeth and washing my face, I put my hair in a messy bun on the top of my head and grab my phone as I quietly leave the bedroom. I go to the kitchen and look through the fridge, Lo really stocked it when we went grocery shopping, so I really don't need too much of anything. I make sure I have all the ingredients for the meals I want to cook today and for the next couple of days since I'm off until Thursday. I open the cabinet to make sure Lord Tubs has enough food and notice he's almost out of treats. I then remember that Lauren took the new box of treats to her apartment, since she was completely out there. I pull out my phone and make a quick list of things to grab from the convenience store on the corner before grabbing a granola bar and putting on my coat, scarf, and gloves and heading out.

Once I get outside, I really take in the beauty of the snow falling softly around me. I pause for a moment to look up at the sky and take it all in. I open my arms wide and spin in a circle while staring up at the sky. I take a deep breath and smile like a crazy person when I start to think about Lauren. I get lost in my own world, something I've done a lot lately, mainly since I met Lo. I'm quickly brought out of my perfect daydream when I feel a warm liquid now sliding down my leg. I quickly look down and see a dog pissing on my leg. "What the fuck?!" I yell out loudly while jumping back, there goes my perfect morning. Apparently when I scream, I scare the crap out of the dog, and he jumps back as well. "Fucking gross!" I say while reaching in my pocket and pulling out a tissue and lifting my pants leg as I vigorously wipe my leg. I look up when I hear the dog start to whine. "Bullshit, you don't get to cry you mutt." I hiss out at the dog while still wiping my leg off. I reach over and pick up a little snow, in an attempt to wash my leg while I glare at the dog and hear him whimper again. I took a closer look at him and notice he is shaking as well.

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