Chapter 9: Dreams

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Lauren and I ended up having to do some weird mime skit that was beyond fun. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that would stand up in the middle of a restaurant and make a complete I am a fool of myself. Ok, so I've stood up and cursed out and threatened waiters and restaurant managers before, but this was different. Only Lauren would get me to do something like this. The whole time we were performing I would steal glances at her and smiled whenever. We locked eyes. We broke character a few times from laughing and we ended the performance with a kiss, which wasn't planned, but just felt right. Of course, got a standing ovation, so our meal was free, which is probably a good thing because Lauren ordered enough food for like 10 people, her reasoning for that was she wanted me to taste all the deliciousness that Lick had to offer, and yes it sounded beyond sexual and intriguing when she said it.

"Thanks for brunch Lo." I glance over and tell her as we drive back to the city, yes I let Lauren drive my car again.

"Did you like it?" She asked with a huge grin.

"I really did, the food was amazing." I respond while yawning. "So amazingly, it makes me sleepy."

"Yeah, Lick has that effect on people." Lauren laughs. "You have now officially been licked." She added while winking at me. 

I can't help but laugh. "I've been licked huh?" That statement has so many meanings.

She laughs and nods. "Yep."

"So did you want to do anything today?" I ask her while curling up in my passenger seat to face her and resting my head on the headrest.

She shook her head. "You look tired still and you have to have to work super late tonight, we can just relax and watch TV. Do you work tomorrow?"

"Nope, I don't think I'll be working on Sundays, just Friday and

Saturday for now." I tell her while yawning again. Seriously the food was so amazing and filling that all I want to do right now is curls in a ball and go to sleep, oh and cuddle with Lauren of course.

"Well, we can plan something for tomorrow. Do you want to see a movie or maybe go to a play?" Lauren asked.

I would love to go to a play but tickets are expensive. Maybe if I make a shitload in tips tonight, I can afford both my ticket and Lauren's and treats her. Naw, I can't do that I need to pay some bills next week. Maybe I can suggest something super cheap so I can pay for both of us.

"You're over thinking something right now." Lauren says while tapping my thigh to get my attention. "Tomorrow is my treat, no matter what we do."

"Today was your treat." I told her. "I can't let you pay again." Lauren smiled. "I didn't pay today, we got our meal for free, remember?"

I laugh. "I will never forget this morning."

"Seriously Camz, I will treat tomorrow. Whatever you want to do, just name it, the cost isn't an issue." Lauren says with a smile. "Well, I've always wanted to take one of those cooking classes at the public market." I say with a shrug.

"Really?" Lauren asked while easing back on the freeway. "Sounds fun, like what do you do there exactly?""

"They teach you how to make a dish out of random ingredients." I tell her excitedly.

"Well, tomorrow we are taking a cooking class, although I don't think you need one." Lauren replies. "It sounds like a lot of fun."

"Really? Thanks Lo." I tell while trying to contain my excitement. "I promise it will be fun."

"I always have fun with you." She says while glancing at me and winking.


We first stop at her apartment so she can check on Lord Tubs and play with him for a bit. She took him out for a walk; I decided to stay back, because that's still weird to me. I was lying on her couch watching TV when I drifted off to sleep. She has the softest, most comfortable leather couch in the world. She packed up some clothes I'm assuming and woke me up so we could head back to my apartment.

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