Chapter Twenty Seven

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holy batman and cheese! an update! things have been crazy at home, but here it is finally. thank you all for waiting while life sorted itself out for me.


The large bus rocked back and forth as it moved down the highway, slowly making way to the next destination on the tour. In another week they'd be back in Baltimore then it was home until the next tour in a month. The season for touring non-stop was coming up and although it would be exhausting, mentally and physically the band and crew were ready and couldn't wait to go.

Wide awake in the tiny, dark yet strangely comfortable bunk, Codi listened as Rian softly snored while he slept. The clock on Rian's phone that sat above his pillow declared that it was a little passed four am; they had turned in around two hours ago after that evening's show. Codi was getting used to life on the bus; it was a skill but easily learned if you wanted.

Each day was pretty much the same, she spent time with Rian and the others until Meet and Greet time, when the boys filed in to meet deserving fans and Codi hung out on the bus or backstage. As they took the stage she would watch from the side, some nights Evan and Jeff were kind enough to let her hang out with them in the back of the crowd. After the set she would head directly for the bus and wait for the others to come back.

Codi was seeing more than she had ever imagined, the people and places had all been amazing and she loved having all of her time with Rian, still she missed waking up in a bed that wasn't moving and she really missed being able to flush a normal toilet. More than anything she missed her best friend, Erika was fine but Codi missed her.

Closing her eyes she smiled when Rian shifted in his sleep, snuggling into her. The bunks weren't overly big, which was fine with Codi it just meant more snuggle time. Lying with her eyes closed, Rian's warm breath on her neck, Codi tried to fall back asleep. Not getting very far in her endeavour to sleep, Codi sighed and quietly slid out of the shared bunk. Trying not to make any noise or wake up Greico who slept directly below as her feet hit the tile flooring, Codi stretched out.

The bunk area was dark, letting her eyes adjust the best they could she held onto the side of the bunks to find her way to the door that lead to the front lounge. Stepping into the front of the bus, she was greeted by the sight of Zack, who was sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of him. Seeing him in only his shorts, Codi shivered, the bus was warm but the barely dressed Zack was enough to make her feel cold in her own sweat pants and tank top.

"Morning." Codi greeted Zack with a wry smile.

"Hey." Zack replied quietly. Gesturing to the box of cereal next to him he glanced at Codi. "Want some?"

"Uh, sure." Codi nodded as Zack stood up and grabbed an extra bowl, handing it to her. Thanking him, Codi poured the cereal into her bowl and thanked Zack for passing the milk.

Silently sitting at the small table together, Codi mindlessly ate her cereal while Zack sat staring into space.

"Are you coming with us on the next tour?" Zack asked casually making conversation between the two.

He gathered that Codi didn't like him much these days, nobody did, they were civil to one another, but she never really went out of her way to hang out or talk to Zack like she did the other guys. Zack was pretty confident he knew exactly why Rian was so in love with the girl, even after a few short months. Codi Bergstrom was sweet, opinionated, loyal and kind all the things Rian always wanted in his perfect match. It was almost a given that Codi was Rian's soul mate, anybody could see that.

Codi shook her head and finished her bowl of cereal. "Rian asked, but I'd be gone too long."

Zack nodded in reply, she didn't really need to say more.

As much as Codi would love to go, it wasn't going to happen. Being on a tour was fun, at the end of the day it was Rian's job and he didn't need somebody holding his hand to do it. The other guys were very accommodating to Codi and she appreciated that yet there was the tiny nagging in her mind telling her that they'd be better off without somebody constantly in their way. Besides, Erika was going to be having her baby soon and if Codi missed that she'd never forgive herself.

"Are you going to go with Erika, when..." Zack trailed off, his gaze falling to the table top instead of on Codi.

Codi smiled softly. "I guess so, yeah."

"You two are really close." Zack observed.

"You know, Zack, if you're home and you wanted to be there I don't think Eri would be against it. She'd be happy you took the attempt to show up." Codi encouraged with a small smile. "Don't feel pressured to, but if you want to be there I think you should go."

"I doubt she'd even want to see me there." Zack mused quietly with a soft sigh. "I've put her through a lot of shit."

"Try, you never know where it could get you." Codi answered with a shrug.

"I uh, I called her the other day. She didn't really want to talk." Zack scoffed running his hands through his hair. "She seems to think I'm too busy with my new girlfriend to care."

Raising her brow, Codi chuckled slightly. "New girlfriend? When did you get one of those?"

Zack shrugged and smirked. "I don't know, but if I'm happy then Erika is happy which is good I suppose."

"Do you love her?" Codi asked point blank, her eyes locked on Zack's while she watched and waited. She could see him mulling over the question, taking his time to collect his thoughts to give a proper answer in true Zack fashion.

Zack sighed as he finally found what to say. "Rian's a lucky guy." He mused. "Every guy wants to find their perfect girl."

"Is Erika your perfect girl?" Codi pushed her questions.

"No, when I met her it was supposed to be casual, the hopes of never seeing her again after that day. Since that didn't happen, I guess we just have to find a way to make us work. I know she'd never want me, but I can hope we can find a friendship." Zack answered honestly.

"Hmm." Codi hummed slowly pushing herself to stand up, she was tired and wanted to be back in bed snuggled up with Rian, but she was glad they'd had this talk. She hadn't really taken the time to talk to Zack, pity. He was honest and truthful, Codi admired that. "You know even if you don't believe it, when Erika met you, you were her type of guy."

No bothering to say another word on the subject, Codi bid Zack a good night and headed back for the bunks. Trying once again to be as quiet as possible, she scurried up into the bunk, resuming her position next to a sleeping Rian.

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