Chapter Twenty Five

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*gasp* is this a somewhat civil Zack we are seeing?


Zack just didn't know when to go away, on the other hand Erika didn't know when to stop running every time he called. A little annoyed that Zack had called and ruined her evening with Codi's parents, Erika agreed to see him the following morning. He had told Alex he'd call Erika when he was ready, here was his effort.

Watching out the window as the shiny lexus pulled into his drive way, Zack had to admit whoever was paying the rental price didn't go cheap. Deciding that it was without doubt Alex who was footing that bill, just so Erika wasn't taking his car all the time, Zack let the subject go and moved to open the front door.

"Do you need any help?" he called out, stepping out onto the step.

The yard had been a bit icy, Zack had done his best to solve the problem, not that it mattered Mother Nature didn't care. As soon as he had the drive cleared, it seemed to just freeze over again.

"I haven't got any from you so far." Erika scoffed, shutting the car door and carefully waddling up to the house.

Reaching where Zack stood, Erika paused for a moment and took a deep breath, she would be so happy when she could move normally again. Ushering her inside, Zack closed the door behind them and offered to take her coat as she shrugged it off. The living room seemed to be the most comfortable place in the house; Erika remembered that from her only visit early in her trip, which is why she was pleased when Zack suggested they retire there.

Practically falling down into a seated position on the soft sofa, Erika took a deep breath. The smell of the house was welcoming and inviting, even if a slight tension was clinging to the atmosphere, changing the energy of the space. A light earthy smell hung to the air, making you feel safe and warm, it was very Zack. Exchanging the usual formalities, Zack excused himself to the kitchen offering Erika whatever she wanted from the other room.

Listing off the items hanging around in his kitchen, Zack was stopped when the mention of homemade apple cider came up. It was something Erika thoroughly enjoyed, especially when it was homemade and not from a powder or a premade mix. Laid out just out of ear shot from the living room, Zack went to work in the kitchen while Erika made herself comfortable.

There had been a crackle of tension in the house all morning, as Zack anticipated her arrival; now that she was here it wasn't as strong as he'd thought it would turn out to be. The tension hung, but not in the brutally painful way he had felt it would. Picking up the festive holiday mug that he'd grabbed from the cupboard, Zack headed back to where the brunette was still seated on the sofa.

In her hand, Erika had a photo frame that he had on the coffee table, it was a little boy and girl with an elderly couple. Smiling as Zack walked back in, Erika commented on how cute it was.

"Thanks, it's my mom's favourite photo. It's my grandparents with Sam and I." Zack explained sitting the cup of cider down in front of Erika.

"You still look the same, you just got older." Erika commented, shifting forward to retrieve the mug and taking a sip. "Forgive me, but why am I here?"

Zack hadn't said much on the phone, only that he wanted to talk to her and it was better done in person. He did want to talk to her, to see her, for whatever crazy reason it just felt right having her over instead of on the phone. Zack didn't have much to talk about, just a message his parents wanted passed along.

"For whatever reason, my parents wanted me to ask you over for Christmas." Zack replied taking a seat in the arm chair spaced a few feet away from the couch. "If you wanted to come." He added nervously.

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