Chapter Thirty

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sorry it is a short update. thank you to those who answered my insane questions I pelted you with :)


"I hate this alternate ending." Codi whined, throwing popcorn at the large television.

Rian laughed, as the alternate ending of Dear John played out. "How can you hate it?"

"Because John and Savannah need to be together, plus it's kind of creepy that he's just wandering their property while they're inside having a party." Codi explained shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"You're telling me that you wouldn't want Channing Tatum creepily stalking you?" Erika laughed at her best friend.

Codi shook her head. "No because if he is stalking me in this manner, I'd never know and that would just be depressing and sad." She replied. "He's too hot to be unnoticed, sorry Ri." Codi winked at Rian, leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek for good measure.

"He's my man crush." Rian gushed like a love sick school girl gathering a giggle from Codi and Erika.

"I don't get the appeal of buff guys." Erika wrinkled her nose and took a sip of her juice.

"No, not at all." Codi shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Is that why you jumped Zack the moment you met him?"

"Are we starting this again?" Erika groaned shooting the blond a dirty look.

Before Codi could start in on another speech about how Erika needed to sort herself out with Zack, Alex and everything else in her life, Rian jumped in suggesting another movie. He had wandered in to find the girls had invaded his living room with a plethora of chick flicks, not having much else on the go Rian had sat down with the intention of finishing the original movie they had been watching. Once Kate & Leopold ended, Dear John had begun and by that time Rian was too far in to leave.

Happy he stuck around to defuse an argument, he grabbed Magic Mike and loaded the dvd player, he'd regret watching this when the nightmares of male strippers set in, but it would keep Codi and Erika from arguing over Zack. Not seeming to care that her boyfriend had picked another movie, Codi made an excuse about being tired, leaving the living room. Sat on the couch, Rian stared intently at the television; he was definitely having nightmares after this.

"I don't see why you girls love this movie so much, it's creepy." Rian commented shoving a handful of chips in his mouth, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"It's the appeal of good looking men wanting to be all over you, I guess." Erika replied taking a handful of chips for herself.

"Crazy, these men aren't that good looking." Rian added with a shrug. "Okay, maybe they are. If it were female strippers, I'd feel the way you gals do."

Half way through the movie, Rian noticed Erika checking her phone. He had seen her glancing at the device every ten minutes or so throughout the time he'd been in the room. She'd check it, and then put it down only to grab it a few minutes later and check it again.

"Expecting an important call?" Rian asked as nonchalantly as possible.

"Not really." Erika answered tucking her phone away.

Zack was supposed to have called her at least three hours ago, not that it mattered. The purpose of the call was to discuss arrangements of being parents and how they could do that. After Zack's surprise visit to Alex's it was easier and safer for both of them if they resorted to talking over the phone. Keeping as much distance as possible between the pair had been a result of Erika's cloudy judgment.

Maybe she wasn't the only one to blame; Zack was the one who had showed up demanding to talk with her. Had he not come around, nothing would have happened and things would be the same as they had. Being around the sincere side of Zack caused Erika to lose all ability to think logically and caused her to act on impulse, though one would have thought she would have learned seeing as how it was the reason she was pregnant. This time she couldn't exactly get pregnant, it didn't make things any better.

"Oh, the way you keep looking I thought maybe ya had a hot date." Rian joked with a wink.

"No, just..." Erika paused. She could tell Rian, maybe she'd feel better if she told somebody and Rian was as good as anybody. "Zack."


"No, Zack Morris." Erika retorted with a tiny smirk.

"Hardy har." Rian chimed in. "So you and Zack are speaking? Or is this one of those things where he calls, you go running and come home in a mess of tears."

Rian had every right to think what he did, because it was usually how things happened when Erika spoke with Zack. Except the last time, when they ended up going at it like a couple of horny teenagers in Alex's living room. Alex had yet to find out and it was best to keep it that way.

"He came by the other day and he said he wants to talk, I don't know what happened or why but I think he really wants to make things right." Erika confessed with a soft sigh.

"Then that's fantastic! I hope things work out." Rian said genuinely smiling. Taking note that Erika wasn't smiling, nor did she look happy, relieved or anything that could be described in a positive manner, Rian's smile turned. "Zack wanting to do the right thing, it's a good thing right?"

Erika shrugged. "Maybe, if he's doing it for the right reasons. When we talked, he was really upset about Alex walking in and being the one to play daddy."

Nodding in understanding, Rian tried to keep his positive attitude. Somebody around here needed to see the bright side of things. "As cliché as this is, anybody can make a baby. It doesn't mean they get the rights to be the parent. Alex is a great guy, Zack too. If Zack wants to be a parent, for the right reasons then I think you know what you have to do."

"That still doesn't solve the problem of what I want." Erika spoke, her voice quiet.

"No, it doesn't. You need to decide who makes the better partner. When things get tough, because they will, who is going to stay and who is going to shoot through? In a few years time, is it Zack who is going to make you happy or Alex?" Rian posed the question so flawlessly.

Damn Rian Dawson for always knowing what to say. Damn Rian Dawson for being the model boyfriend, Codi was lucky and if she ever denied it Erika was going to slap her silly.

Informing Rian of these thoughts, Erika added that she had to get home, seeing as it was getting late. Protesting Rian's invite for her to stay the evening there, she bid him farewell. If she was lucky Alex would be home and still awake, there were a few things he had to hear and a lot of questions that Erika had to ask before she could answer Rian's question.

Zack or Alex.

The question was simple, why was answering this going to be so damn hard?

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